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Saturday, 26 March 2005
don't ask
Topic: Image Questions
Does anyone know if Angelfire's CGIbin/code can handle "file fields" within a form from a web site? If so, how? If not, please let me know so I can stop TRYING!
Friday, 25 March 2005
I got ahead of myself and deleted the /images directory. How do I re-add it? I'd like to be able to get it back to the way it was when I first signed up. I've thought about just signing up under another name, bur decided against it. Any help, would be apreciated.
Thursday, 24 March 2005
Cannot Link
Now Playing: Cannot Link
Topic: HTML Questions
I am trying to start my website for a character I made up, but I cannot link to other websites I have created. Instead, it gives me some BS about not downloading. my site is
Angelfire Maintenance - TONIGHT
Topic: News
After midnight tonight, the Angelfire team will be conducting some hardware maintenance. During this time, some members websites (for both free and paid members) will be unavailable. We do not expect the maintenance to last more than 20-30 minutes for any specific member, though it will probably last less than that.
I apologize for any inconvenience. It's all on the way to making Angelfire better.
Reduced Prices for Domains
Topic: News
The Angelfire Team today released an update to "Lycos Domains" ( which lowers the prices on all standalone domains from $34.95 per year to $19.95, with discounts for mult-year purchases. This change does not affect Angelfire members who get their domain free with their bundle package, but users that have purchased domains separately will see the discount the next time they renew.
If you aren't familiar with them, Domain Names purchased through Lycos are completely compatible with Tripod & Angelfire hosting and support the transparent "domain assignment" (which you need for search engines, etc.) If you already have a domain, you can purchase another to use as a subdirectory of your site. (Lycos Domains also offers WebMail and some other featuress.)
If anyone sees any problems with this new feature, please let me know in this thread and I'll make sure they get looked into.
(Yeah, if you read both clubs then this message sounds awfully familiar. Maybe I should call it the Angelpodcirclegearfire Team, but that doesn't flow as nicely off the tongue. We're all one happy family.)
Frustrated with sendmail
not sure
I'm confused with the angelfiremail sendmail program.
Could anyone email me on what to substitute in different keys($) of the sendmail program. i.e. $class,$self,$message.
And this line###..$MAIL->sendMail ($mail_template,\%variables);..###
Do I place the name of my mail template file in the key $mail_template and do I put my variables in the %variables hash? Email me at with your help.
require AngelfireMail;
$MAIL = new AngelfireMail;
$mail_template = "./flintstones_mail.txt";
%variables = ('email' => '',
'name' => 'Wilma',
'number' => '2');
$MAIL->sendMail($mail_template, \%variables);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub sendMail {
# example: $MAIL->sendMail($template_file, \%hash_o_variables)
# requires: 1) name of a file that is a template for the mail
# 2) a reference to hash of variables to fill out the template
# does: writes a mail file to member's directory to be mailed later
# by sendmail
# returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure
my ($self, $template_file, $hash_ref) = @_;
my ($message, $key, $time, $file);
# error checking
if ((! $template_file)||(! $hash_ref)){
print STDERR "usage: sendMail(template_file, hash_reference)\n";
return 0;
if (! -s $template_file){
print STDERR "file does not exist or has a 0 size!\n";
return 0;
# read in template
open (MESSAGE, "<$template_file") or
die "can't open template file $template for reading\n";
undef $/;
$message = ;
close (MESSAGE);
$/ = "\n";
# variable substitution
foreach $key (keys (%{$hash_ref})){
$message =~ s/\$$key/$hash_ref->{$key}/eg;
# check final template format
if ($message !~ /to:.*\w+@\w+\.\w+/i){
print STDERR "To: field missing or invalid recipient\n";
return 0;
if ($message !~ /from:.*\w+@\w+\.\w+/i){
print STDERR "From: field missing or invalid sender\n";
return 0;
# write template to file
$time = time();
$file = 'mail.'.$time;
open (FILE, ">$file") or
die "can't open file: $file for writing\n";
print FILE $message;
close (FILE);
return 1;
Tuesday, 22 March 2005
not sure
Hi again! Ive fixed my image problem, but icant figure out how to add music? plz help! thx
Blog Builder Interface Problem
Topic: HTML Questions
I recently posted an entry on my blog that included script for a "Tag-Board". I want to delete this entry but because of its script, I cannot modify nor delete it through the blog builder interface - it is causing some kind of incompatibility. The "Post", "Delete", and "Preview" buttons do not funtion with this entry. I have tried IE 6+, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 7+.
Any advice on how to delete this entry through a different manner would be greatly appreciated because it is causing severe complications with the blog builder interface.
Monday, 21 March 2005
tell me how to incorporate a message board ino my website?
Topic: FrontPage
Hi there i'mnew to this whole web page design thing and was wondering if there was anyway to add a message board to my angel fire website and also the pay pal thing howe does that work? thanks for any responses
Topic: HTML Questions
Im kind of new to this html stuff. i need help on a custom templete i dled. all the images i have gotten i put in the images folder. most of them show, but some are not. i saw that one of them that werent showing was updates.jpg. I saw that it was already in the images directory. Does anyone know y it wont show up?
account details -bandwidth and disk space
Topic: HTML Questions
Since this weekend, the disk space is no longer visible on the expanded account details page. As well, the bandwidth details continue to be unavailable.
Thank you.
Sunday, 20 March 2005
TOTALLY clueless!!
Now Playing: "Even In His Youth" by Nirvana
Topic: HTML Questions
Hi everyone! I would really like some help with having music with words played on my page. I have LimeWire and download many songs but I have no clue on how to get them on my page. please help ASAP otherwise I'm just sitting here staring at the computer looking for answers. Thank you SO much!I appreciate your help very much!
Saturday, 19 March 2005
My recent entries don't show up
Now Playing: SAPPY by Nirvana
Hi, my blog won't display any new entries... :( Instead there is always this annoying advertisement blocking the way. Anything before March 18 shows up but dates past then show an empty black page (minus the advertisement...) My website is at if you don't understand what I'm talking about. ANY HELP PLEASE!!!
I would like to know how to change my email address on my site. Please help.
Topic: HTML Questions
how do i loop a song that i have on my web page or make a play list
Help.. Going insane
Topic: FrontPage
Hi all, I am very new at this, and not doing so well lol. I have two questions that if anyone can help I would appreciate it very much. Question 1: I thought Blog could just be a link on my web page to be able to go to, but when I created a Blog it over wrote my whole page, and I didnt want that..What did I misunderstand? Question 2: If not already answered in question 1, What I am really wanting to do it have a link that goes to a place where you can post things, I want this link on my homepage. See I am doing this site for a Spades Team, and I need a link they can click on to post things at, but I dont want my whole site to be a Blog, and when I tryed to connect my Blog as a link it wouldnt go, and then somehow I over wrote my whole page I created into a Blog page :( Like I said not doing so well here. So any advice I would love to hear please.
Whats with the "no php support"
I have been using services that are hosted on other sites for things like IP loggers and hit counters and guestbooks. Now that i know how to make my own stuff and how cool php is, I want to do it! But angelfire doesnt allow you to use php! Why is this?
Friday, 18 March 2005
Hi everybody. i love to write blogs, its fun. I write what i feel like.
My Home Page
HELP! My webpage looks nothing like I thought it would after I finished going through the steps to create a webpage. I see no images, no scriptures. Can anyone HELP me? What have I not done? Thanks for any help you can give.
Thursday, 17 March 2005
Happy St Pat's Day to all
Just stopping by to say hi and all is well in San Diego
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