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Friday, 1 April 2005
i can't find my video i uploaded
i just uploaded a video to my account and i have no idea how to view it, when i go to my homepage there is no directory or evidence that it's been uploaded. this is a video that i want to put on my myspace page so i'm a bit frustrated! help!
Wednesday, 30 March 2005
Please read and absorb previous blog -----
Now Playing: Very Special Arts of SOuth Africa needs YOU!
Topic: News
Disability Arts
'Nuff said --- SZK
Sandra Z K -- Webmaster VSA Arts of South Africa
Topic: News
Hi all of my fellow angelfire bloggers -- did not know that we even HAD a blog online till now.
This is a SPECIAL favour. I am the Performing Arts Coordinator and sort of webmaster of which is in ...South Africa. Yes, I was born there and moved to the USA in 98. PLEASE visit us and help these disabled kids and adults in Africa! They are something else .... my email is, so if you want to blow off some local or international steam, email me!
Sandy Z K OTR/L
I need major help!
I am so lost. Okay I used Microsoft Word to create a web site and am now trying to upload it to Angelfire. I did the steps for creating a new web folder but there is nothing in the web folder. None of my files are there. They are all still in the folder created by Microsoft Word. WHAT DO I DO NOW? Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, 29 March 2005
Streaming music - filetypes
On the faq linked at the side of this blog, there's a section regarding how to stream music on your site - it says to convert .mp3 to .wav using Music Match, and then convert .wav to .rm using Real System Producer, but what should I do if the music file I want to use is in .wmp format to begin with, rather than .mp3?
Thanks in advance,
Blog directory
accident prone
When I set up my blog, I checked the box to have it listed in the angelfire directory...was just wondering how one accesses this directory to search for other blogs? I've clicked on the 'directory' on the angelfire homepage but it only seems to list homepages rather than blogs, and they're set out in a categorisation system that my blog would never have fitted in anyway! Is there another directory that I'm somehow missing?
Monday, 28 March 2005
Question concerning Making Web Site Private
not sure
I'd like to post family pictures, but have them viewable only by invitation. Is it possible to make part or all of my site by invitation only?
music help
I was told you could save your own music from your own cd's to your angelfire account. True? If so, how do you do that? HELP!
bandwidth details
Topic: News
Is there any other way of finding out my hourly bandwidth use since the details view does not show it?
Can I infer by my general usage if visitors have been blocked out by excessive usage?
Can I tell from my details on visitors what time they were there? I understand the IP address but do not see the time of visit.
The bandwidth hourly use to give me that information, so I wonder if there is a way to get that information from other areas of my site information.
Thank you.
Sunday, 27 March 2005
member sites
JP, I wrote about this a couple of weeks ago, but the situation still seems to be the same.
I'd sure like to see my site ( listed on the Angelfire "Browse Member Sites". It should be listed under both "sports" and "youth and high school," but I don't see it.
Any idea when this might be happening?
Saturday, 26 March 2005
don't ask
Topic: Image Questions
Does anyone know if Angelfire's CGIbin/code can handle "file fields" within a form from a web site? If so, how? If not, please let me know so I can stop TRYING!
Friday, 25 March 2005
I got ahead of myself and deleted the /images directory. How do I re-add it? I'd like to be able to get it back to the way it was when I first signed up. I've thought about just signing up under another name, bur decided against it. Any help, would be apreciated.
Thursday, 24 March 2005
Cannot Link
Now Playing: Cannot Link
Topic: HTML Questions
I am trying to start my website for a character I made up, but I cannot link to other websites I have created. Instead, it gives me some BS about not downloading. my site is
Angelfire Maintenance - TONIGHT
Topic: News
After midnight tonight, the Angelfire team will be conducting some hardware maintenance. During this time, some members websites (for both free and paid members) will be unavailable. We do not expect the maintenance to last more than 20-30 minutes for any specific member, though it will probably last less than that.
I apologize for any inconvenience. It's all on the way to making Angelfire better.
Reduced Prices for Domains
Topic: News
The Angelfire Team today released an update to "Lycos Domains" ( which lowers the prices on all standalone domains from $34.95 per year to $19.95, with discounts for mult-year purchases. This change does not affect Angelfire members who get their domain free with their bundle package, but users that have purchased domains separately will see the discount the next time they renew.
If you aren't familiar with them, Domain Names purchased through Lycos are completely compatible with Tripod & Angelfire hosting and support the transparent "domain assignment" (which you need for search engines, etc.) If you already have a domain, you can purchase another to use as a subdirectory of your site. (Lycos Domains also offers WebMail and some other featuress.)
If anyone sees any problems with this new feature, please let me know in this thread and I'll make sure they get looked into.
(Yeah, if you read both clubs then this message sounds awfully familiar. Maybe I should call it the Angelpodcirclegearfire Team, but that doesn't flow as nicely off the tongue. We're all one happy family.)
Frustrated with sendmail
not sure
I'm confused with the angelfiremail sendmail program.
Could anyone email me on what to substitute in different keys($) of the sendmail program. i.e. $class,$self,$message.
And this line###..$MAIL->sendMail ($mail_template,\%variables);..###
Do I place the name of my mail template file in the key $mail_template and do I put my variables in the %variables hash? Email me at with your help.
require AngelfireMail;
$MAIL = new AngelfireMail;
$mail_template = "./flintstones_mail.txt";
%variables = ('email' => '',
'name' => 'Wilma',
'number' => '2');
$MAIL->sendMail($mail_template, \%variables);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub sendMail {
# example: $MAIL->sendMail($template_file, \%hash_o_variables)
# requires: 1) name of a file that is a template for the mail
# 2) a reference to hash of variables to fill out the template
# does: writes a mail file to member's directory to be mailed later
# by sendmail
# returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure
my ($self, $template_file, $hash_ref) = @_;
my ($message, $key, $time, $file);
# error checking
if ((! $template_file)||(! $hash_ref)){
print STDERR "usage: sendMail(template_file, hash_reference)\n";
return 0;
if (! -s $template_file){
print STDERR "file does not exist or has a 0 size!\n";
return 0;
# read in template
open (MESSAGE, "<$template_file") or
die "can't open template file $template for reading\n";
undef $/;
$message = ;
close (MESSAGE);
$/ = "\n";
# variable substitution
foreach $key (keys (%{$hash_ref})){
$message =~ s/\$$key/$hash_ref->{$key}/eg;
# check final template format
if ($message !~ /to:.*\w+@\w+\.\w+/i){
print STDERR "To: field missing or invalid recipient\n";
return 0;
if ($message !~ /from:.*\w+@\w+\.\w+/i){
print STDERR "From: field missing or invalid sender\n";
return 0;
# write template to file
$time = time();
$file = 'mail.'.$time;
open (FILE, ">$file") or
die "can't open file: $file for writing\n";
print FILE $message;
close (FILE);
return 1;
Tuesday, 22 March 2005
not sure
Hi again! Ive fixed my image problem, but icant figure out how to add music? plz help! thx
Blog Builder Interface Problem
Topic: HTML Questions
I recently posted an entry on my blog that included script for a "Tag-Board". I want to delete this entry but because of its script, I cannot modify nor delete it through the blog builder interface - it is causing some kind of incompatibility. The "Post", "Delete", and "Preview" buttons do not funtion with this entry. I have tried IE 6+, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 7+.
Any advice on how to delete this entry through a different manner would be greatly appreciated because it is causing severe complications with the blog builder interface.
Monday, 21 March 2005
tell me how to incorporate a message board ino my website?
Topic: FrontPage
Hi there i'mnew to this whole web page design thing and was wondering if there was anyway to add a message board to my angel fire website and also the pay pal thing howe does that work? thanks for any responses
Topic: HTML Questions
Im kind of new to this html stuff. i need help on a custom templete i dled. all the images i have gotten i put in the images folder. most of them show, but some are not. i saw that one of them that werent showing was updates.jpg. I saw that it was already in the images directory. Does anyone know y it wont show up?
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