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Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Maintenance Today
Topic: News
Today, the Angelfire Team will be performing maintenance on the site, in order to improve blogs performance and to also add new features. During this maintenance, users will be unable to post comments or new entries on blogs for approximately 30 minutes. We apologize for this inconvenience as we move the blogs onto the new backend system.
I'll make a larger post later on this afternoon with information about the changes. If anyone is willing to help test (basicially, just use all the features of the site and let us know if you find any problems), that is always appreciated.
As always, if you see any problems please respond in this thread.
UPDATE: The maintenance has been moved to Wednesday morning. We will make a followup post when it is completed.
Monday, 25 April 2005
Web shell is a blank frame
I am a mac user and when I try to use the web shell, the page loads, but the main frame is all white. Text, links, buttons... everything is white. The mouse changes when I move over links, but I can't see anything. The older web shell never had this problem. I sent requests several times, but no response. Any clues?
Links don't work
not sure
I have an angelfire free website and I cannot add links to my favorite sites to share with others. A search not found page shows up instead of the intended website. What do I do to correct this.
Front page extensions not acceptable, can't edit
crushed out
Topic: FrontPage
I followed the instructions to make editing my site possible with FrontPage 2000, but when I try to "publish to web" I am told I have to get permission from my page provider to use FrontPage extensions. I then run the activate Front Page editing protocol and get the same message again. What am I getting wrong?
Sunday, 24 April 2005
Browser Scroll
I copy and pasted a browser scroll script from lycos and it worked fine for a few days. It has come upon 2 days that it has not worked. I did not modify it after I added it on my site. I don't know why it will no longer work. Is anyone having difficulty with your scroll browsing. It is not working on my puter right now. But if someone could take a look and let me know whether or not it does for you. If anyone can give me a solution please send it my way.
Thank you
Website URL:
Saturday, 23 April 2005
Now Playing: THE USED
How can I upload a music file than be able to host it on my page? PLEASE HELP ME>>>>
Friday, 22 April 2005
Video Help
I would highly appreciate if anybody could help me, i want to post a video of mine on to my page but do not no how. COuld anyone advise me on how to get a video on to my page?
party time!
Now Playing: Greenday....American Idiot
I need help with some things on my site.
Script for IP Viewing For My Visitors
Just thought to join an angelfire community to get new ideas for my home website. If anyone is interested check it out at . It is my family website for friends and family living far away from me and to update them of my life away from them. Seems to help me deal with homesickness and such. I am really happy with the results of my website.
Does anyone know of any scripts (preferrable cut and paste) of viewers seeing their ip address when they first log onto the website? I think it is pretty cool. I would imagine it would be some sort of CGI. Thank you.
Topic: HTML Questions
hello guys.
i recently made my own kite site. is there anyway i can promote my website for free or make it appear on search engines?
chester ogsimer
"The Aerial Stylings of Chester Ogsimer"
Tuesday, 19 April 2005
Blog for my web
Topic: HTML Questions
How can i create a blog section on my web page without changing my web page format? i used ms frontpage and would like to add the blog on a new page. Plz advise. thx
Monday, 18 April 2005
Disable File Sharing
I have Argon and can't find a way to disable file sharing to prevent anyone from "hot linking" to my images. Live help seems to be too busy today, I never received an answer. Any help?
Moving the ads at the bottom?
Topic: HTML Questions
Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to put angelfire's ads at the bottom of my web page?
Sunday, 17 April 2005
Pastor Bill
I have started another web site and I can not find where I can increase the Text block size the old one had a page where we chose the size, is this possible with the new set ups or did they dicontinue this on the new free web sites ? The new one is to narrow and to widen it would help when I edit.
Saturday, 16 April 2005
how to put music
not sure
can anyone tell me how to put music inot my blog?? i have uploaded my file but how do i create the html of it??? >.<
-help me
uploading completed folder w/files
Now Playing: "lyrical" is the nice word for sobbing and cussing....
Topic: Image Questions
mayday! mayday! i have a folder with 26 files which i created on notepad. it is ALL DONE, does not need editing or anything but to get published (school assignment!)......i can't find anything telling me how to simply upload a finished product! my links are all set up, images all referenced and inserted - i just need to get it online! can anyone help me?
please? i have pulled out all my hair, thrown every book in the house, and the cats won't come out from under the bed. i would prefer some help here to therapy.
Friday, 15 April 2005
HELP !!!
don't ask
Topic: Image Questions
Oh God,
I've gone onto my site this morning and it's not displaying any of my images..... backgrounds... everything..... I host my images with photobucket and I've gone to their site this morning and it's shut for maintenance.... please could someone reassure me that this is more than likely the reason I'm having problems..... I'm cracking up...
How to execute cgi-bin/*.pl scripts?
Topic: HTML Questions
I have created a .html page that uses a perl (.pl) script but when the script is executed I get a 404/'URL does not exist error'.
I know the file is in the right place because if I change the file type to .pm the file content is displayed.
Can anyone help me?
Monday, 11 April 2005
AF Update Today
Topic: News
The Angelfire Team released a follow-up to the release last week which we believe corrects all the known problems with that release. This includes a fix for paid CGI support, fixed counters, and a fix for members with mixed-case member names that were unable to log into their real sites. If you see any additional problems this evening, please comment on this post and I'll make sure the issues get addressed.
We are currently running a process which is correcting the mixed-case members. We expect that to run for another hour or two, but once completed it should catch everyone. Also, if you uploaded any files to the incorrectly-created-directory then they will temporarily be lost. Tomorrow, we will work on providing you access to these files in some way.
Again, if there are still any problems please respond in this thread. We have at least one more major update planned for this week and we want to ensure that there are no bugs before we start on that.
Sunday, 10 April 2005
Web Shell is missing
Topic: HTML Questions
I went to log on so I could make a few changes on my website and found that that my files are gone. It looks like the first day I started my web page.
When I type in my address on my browser, my original page is still visable.
I sent a message to Angelfire Help and have not gotten a response back from them. I assume they are closed for the weekend.
Any suggestions? Does anyone have a telephone number at angelfire that I can call?
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