Friday, 1 April 2005 - 2:45 PM EST
what type of file is it? .wmv .mpeg .mpg .mov or other? how large of file is it?
if it's not in your web shell directory then it must not have uploaded to the web shell. look in your webshell directory again just to be sure.....
make sure it's a file type that angelfire accepts and that it has the proper file extension like .wmv or .mpeg .mov etc...
and the file name has no spaces or chracters that should not be there
once you get the movie uploaded then here is a page I did showing the code:
this shows how to play it on a page and also how you would use a 'text link' to the file so that it would download to a media player instead.....
you have no published index.html homepage yet??
what is the URL to your homepage?