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Saturday, 15 October 2005
One of my friends has invited me to join his blog- how do i accept his invite? email me
Friday, 14 October 2005
Why Cant I get MuSic!?!?!?!?!?
Topic: HTML Questions
Would somebody pleeeeeaaase instruct me on how to get music to play on my page?!?!?!? . . I did even step the guide told me to but it dose say Wheeeerrre to place it!!!. . . Will someone PLEEEAAASE give me te Full instructions on how to put music on my page????
Wednesday, 12 October 2005
guestbook problem
In the last week, my guestbook (lycos html gear) has begun receiving spam (viagra, etc.). How can it work its way into a guestbook? Fortunately, I have the option to edit messages before they're posted, but it seems that lycos, in all its wisdom, should be able to block such messages before they make their way to the guestbook.
doesn anyone have a webcam on there angelfire site or know of anyone who does? or just know how to put one on a site on angelfire?
counting click-throughs
Does angelfire have any code for counting click throughs to other sites from links on my pages?
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
slow loading
Since the last major update, entering my website details pages has been extremely slow, expecially getting to my traffic report. Any ideas?
Monday, 10 October 2005
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Guestbook and Counter
Topic: HTML Questions
I have been having troubles with my site.
I would like to add a guestbook and a counter. I have only had the page up and running for a couple of months now and I am averaging 1700 page views a month. I would like to make it easier for people to add coments and view others but I can't figure out how.
Please help!!!
Topic: HTML Questions
I need help. On my angelfire site I have my front page all figured out. But say someone clicks on my pics page... There is no way to return to the front page on it. So they would have to hit the back button on their window.. Please e-mail me on how to have a " back to main page button " Incase you want to check it out my site is
my e-mail is or
I check my yahoo more often.. thanks
Blog builders
My blog builder is not working well.
Many of the images are now showing up. For example, in this area of create a new entry, the toolbar icons do not show.
This began with the recent major update and has not yet resolved.
Saturday, 8 October 2005
Uploading jpg's
Topic: Image Questions
ARRG. I am pulling my hair trying to understand what I am doing wrong. I have created another website,, which I use to let my family know whats going on. I used the same methods, and files, and creating ways that I am using now to creat this other one. Except the images are not there! When I upload an image, I get no error message. on the says "files uploaded successfully". But I cannot view them. I just get the little red x. what am I doing wrong here? it seems that no new files that I creat will upload correctly. Is there something going on at angelfire? I have tried to dummy down the size, and make the quality less, and still nothing. but I can load up previously made designs and they are fine. Why all of a sudden? HELP!
Friday, 7 October 2005
photo album pages
Topic: Image Questions
I am having problems with my photo album pages. I cannot upload images or create new pages. This happened months ago after Angelfire restructured the photo album pages. Customer support has not been able to help me. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
Thursday, 6 October 2005
Could not update my web site
Topic: FrontPage
Thanks for the advice. When I checked, I discovered that not only were my FP extensions not functioning properly, my FrontPage was disabled.
Here's what I did:
Went to “My account” and scrolled down to “Preferences.” That's when I discovered “Microsoft FrontPage disabled.” I Clicked on “enable” and then went on to successfully update my site.
How did my FP get disabled? I have NO idea! But...oh, well, the important thing is, my site is finally updated. Thanks all.
Wednesday, 5 October 2005
Shirley K
don't ask
Topic: FrontPage
For nearly 2 weeks I've been trying to update my site,, also known as No problems in the past, but now get the message:
Angelfire - Error 403
Username: Password: err-or! er-ror - 403! Forbidden
It also tells me my site does not exist (it does) and it says, 'URL "SK3" is not contained within a FP web.'
I use FrontPage with the extensions.
I have e-mailed the "Help" section five times and have yet to receive an answer. Any advice?
Is there anyone who knows how to put the slideshow inside the table? Thanks in advance.
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Buttons do not appear
I didn't see this problem in the "common problems" section, so hopefully this isn't something that's been asked a million times before. When I log into my site, and go to the Webshell, the File buttons (view, edit, rename, move, duplicate, delete) and the Directories buttons (open, rename, delete) do not show up; all I see are the words "Files" and "Directories" and blank space to the right. The large pink button to log out is also not visible. Up until a few days ago, however, the functionality of these buttons was still there, so I could hover my cursor over the spot where each button should have appeared, and "blindly" click to perform the task. As of a few days ago, however, that functionality is completely gone. I've tried logging in with two different browsers (Netscape 7.2 and Internet Explorer 6.0) and have done the basics like clearing my cache, lowering the browser's security level, rebooting, etc., to no avail. I haven't changed anything on my machine recently, nor have I installed any new software. I'm fairly certain this has to do with the configuration of my PC, and not my Angelfire site itself, as I am able to log in and see everything from my work computer. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
text too big
i have alot of text on a page and it makes the site stretch so you have to scroll sideways to see all of it. how would i set the size of text before skipping to the next line?
it doesnt look so good right now
Creating a Submit Button
Topic: HTML Questions
How do I make a link using a Submit Button?
I want to Create a Submit Button and have it linked to another page.
I tried to add the link and then Created a Submit Button, but it didn't work.
Lycos Systran Translation
Although this does nor deal specifically with Angelfire, I was wondering if there is some
problem with the following URL:
Am using this service on quite a few Angelfire pages
and it seems to be 'down' for the past couple of days.
Perhaps they have changed the URL??
Monday, 3 October 2005
Announcing: Angelfire Planet
Topic: News
I'm pleased to announce Angelfire's newest feature: Angelfire Planet. This is an extremely new thing for us and we're extremely proud of what we put together so far.
So, what is Planet?
It's not a social network, or a blog tool, or a photo album, or a slideshow builder, or a web page builder. But, it is a neat place where you can express yourself, connect with your circle of friends, share pictures and stories, or rate the pictures and stories of others. It's really not like anything we've built before.
Angelfire Planet is both a part of Angelfire as a whole and separate. It's a bit of a shift. That isn't to say that Angelfire will focus less on traditional web publishing, but now we also have something different.
As some of Angelfire's best community members, I encourage you to check it out and provide your comments. You are early-adopters, it only became available today, so your feedback is doubly appreciated.
Also: Your disk quotas and bandwidth alotments don't count on Planet, so you can build as much as you want, or post as many photos as you want, without worrying about it.
I encourage you to sign up and take the new features for a spin. The team is extremely proud of the work that we've done and are eager to show it off.
Please feel free to leave comments here with your feedback.
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