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Friday, 14 October 2005
Why Cant I get MuSic!?!?!?!?!?
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions
Would somebody pleeeeeaaase instruct me on how to get music to play on my page?!?!?!? . . I did even step the guide told me to but it dose say Wheeeerrre to place it!!!. . . Will someone PLEEEAAASE give me te Full instructions on how to put music on my page????

Posted by music7/s_skywalker at 10:31 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (6) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 15 October 2005 - 12:13 AM EDT

Name: nc3/friendsnc

Hey I have a webtv so its kinda of harder for me to build a webpage.

I'm not looking for a professonial one.

I have some ideas for one is there anyone out there that would like to share a webpage with me and help me put one together.

Just email me let me know

I would like to do one by myself but I just can not get it.

Lucy Nash

Saturday, 15 October 2005 - 1:46 AM EDT

Name: tom

Firstly, the code for background music is as follows:
<BGSOUND SRC="xxxxxx.mid">
The above mentioned is usually placed directly under the
BODY attributes.

Secondly, I don't know anything about WEBTV.
I guess, that you are not able to store files etc.
You could maybe build a simple Angelfire page,
using the BASIC editor?

Perhaps the other helpers on the blog may have some suggestions......

Saturday, 15 October 2005 - 5:02 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo

I guess it's okay to say this because it is all Lycos server. I have a page with angelfire and tripod.

I like them both. But Tripod offers a web making directory for those using web tv....It's called 'Housekeeper' and it is user freiendly and it's for web tv users to build a site ....
I would try one there first then come back to angelfire when you get a PC or whatever...
no one is going to share a webpage with you I doubt! If it means a lot to you then you should find a PC at a library or a somewhere so that you can build here ar angelfire....

we don't do e-mail, so I hope you find your way back to the club....lol

Saturday, 15 October 2005 - 5:31 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo


dalleh has this reference site

and there is one I have here:

Sunday, 16 October 2005 - 8:46 AM EDT

Name: ab8/vinni

the easiest way to go about making music play on a page is to type in the following code

bgsound src=" your filename " loop="-1"

dont forget the brackets at the beginning and end

using a wav or midi file are the two fastest formats for maost users to listen to and you can get a great free converter from jet audio


hit the conversion tool and follow the steps than upload the wav to your diectory.

The loop call is the direction for the song to continuously play or not. changing it to 0 instead of 1 will cause it to play only once.

One more thing , try to put your music code at the bottom of your html so your visitors will not have to wait to see everything while the song loads up

Hope this helps


Tuesday, 18 October 2005 - 4:27 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo

he forget the brackets...lol

here it is with the tags, poster....

if you don't use the tags then all you will see is text, like what is on your page now....

<bgsound src="Am_I_High.wav"loop="1">

but forget that until you get the song corrected are you sure it is not a .wma or mp3? because windows media player didn't recognize the .wav file extension that your using...

it's either that or if you did a conversion of some kind you may have picked the wrong codecs or settings.....

you can't just change the extension to .wav
if it is a .mp3 or .wma then that is how you have to upload it with the file name with the exact extension....

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