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Saturday, 6 May 2006
Silly question
I just posted to my blog after an absence of a couple of years. I used to see a list of other peoples' blogs. When I click on the View Other Blogs, I just see my own. The directory is others' websites, not their blogs. This is driving me crazy.
HELP! PLEASE!!! :( My links wont work...
Topic: FrontPage
My home page will not let the links work. i did just as the training guide or w/e said... but it still fails to work. Would someone please be so kind to help me w/ this :-\ Id really appericiate it!
Thanks again
aka Felicia
Tuesday, 2 May 2006
Lycos Ads
Topic: HTML Questions
I guess that most of us 'ad-supported' members have
noriced the constant date transfer after our pages have been loaded. This is obviously due to the refreshing of banner advertising content.
This is disconcerting to the surfer, who will suspect
any date transfer, after the page has been fully loaded. It would be nice to avoid data transfer
after the page has been recorded as 'done' on the surfer's browser.
Just a thought....
Friday, 28 April 2006
powerpoint and excl
I am trying to figure out how to do an automatic download when you click on a link. is there anyone who knows how to do this?
Wednesday, 26 April 2006
ive got a prob, can u guyz help me?? when ppl try to read my blogs they r asked for their username, y?? this wasnt the case before..
Tuesday, 18 April 2006
Quick Note from Support
I often see people writing posts here about things not working, or "complaining" per se, about things not working properly.
Please note that this is not the correct place to voice your concerns about things not working.
If there's an issue with your account, it is extremely unlikely that someone from support will see it on this Club (member to member) forum. In the odd chance that someone from Support does happen to pop by here occasionally, your issue may be looked into.
Our Support guys (namely myself and JP) only pop by here every now and again. If you need help with your account, you absolutely need to submit a support ticket via our new support ticket system at, please use it, we spent a lot of time making it much, much, much better than our old help site.
This concludes my message, your regular programming will now resume.
Monday, 17 April 2006
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CGI WORKS!!!!! WHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I am too excited that the CGI finally works for paid members!!!!!!!! I did post a complaint about the cgi not working, I appologize. After doing so I decided just out of curiousity to see if it works. Low, and DOES!!! So please remove the thread, if it even shows up (I selected none as a category). Good job Angelfire staff!!!!!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Thank you!!!
Is the CGI fixed yet?
I have been an Angelfire Elements paying member for over 1 year now and have patiently waited for you guys to fix the CGI problem on my paid members account. It is not fair that free members should have it at all if paying members have no use of the CGI bin. It's been long enough, play time is over. Frankly, I am irritated Angelfire and it's developers are more interested in creating new widgets than taking care of their loyal paying customer base.
I have waited since summer time, Angelfire.....I want my CGI today!!!!!! No more waiting.
Sunday, 16 April 2006
Dreamweaver instead of Frontpage
not sure
Topic: HTML Questions
I just recently got Dreamweaver 8, I used to have Front page, but I like Dreamweaver better! I am trying to figure out if I can edit my site with Dreamweaver the same way I can with Frontpage. With Frontpage I used to just be able to have the folder in my network places and save everything to that folder, and it would automatically show up on my page, does it work the same with Dreamweaver? Or do I have to set it up differently? I can't figure it out!! All help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
Ticketing System Not Working Properly.
Anyone who sent me an email when they received a message about our database being down will be added to the ticketing system once it's restored.
I removed the previous post from the Tripod Club blog, because I had already gotten 1400 emails in my inbox, and did not want my personal email address posted on that blog. If my personal email address is posted again, it will be removed again. Please refrain from doing so.
I do not know what is wrong with the database, and have not been able to reach anyone in the appropriate places to fix it (after all, it's Easter.). Once restored, any and all tickets submitted to it, will be answered.
I ask for your patience while this gets sorted out. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal first thing tomorrow morning, once everyone's back in the office.
Please do not submit any more tickets during this time, as it may result in a longer time before you receive an answer to your original tickets. Our new system is not perfect yet, and we are still adjusting things with it.
Thank you,
Mike J
Customer Service - Lycos
Now Playing: link my pages to each other
Topic: HTML Questions
I have a domain name which is working fine but if Icopy straight into my index
directory will it lose the info to find my metra tags that index uses to find my site and how can I stop this happening
how can i link my pages to each other
i have to sites and the sites need to be linked
making links to my site pages work
Now Playing: organising my existing site
Topic: HTML Questions
I have a domain name which is working fine but if Icopy straight into my index directory will it lose the info to find my metra tags that index uses to find my site and how can I stop this happening
how can i link my pages to each other
i have to sites and the sites need to be linked
Tuesday, 11 April 2006
Topic: HTML Questions
wold like HTML to play music on my site. plez help!
Tuesday, 4 April 2006
Just a reminder
Topic: HTML Questions
Remember you must use the clubs 'log in' on the left side panel to see any posts that are posted as 'Shared with Community'.
If you want your post to be viewed by all then post as 'Public' do not chose 'Shared with community' when composing a post.
That way there, more members will immedietly see your post even if they are not logged in. Your chances of getting your question viewed will be much better.
Saturday, 1 April 2006
Hi cw, mamagoo
Can you please check my photo ablum page, -how can i delete the space in between "2006 Events in Pictures words" and the bottom pictures.
Thank you again in advance. Again i hope you can find that page!!!
To ask others this question....
accident prone
Okay, I was checking out the post below about the scroll in the status bar when someone mentioned it will not work on a site with the banners... Perhaps that is why I am unable to have it work on ours.
But, get this... we purchased the Argon package with a free domain name.... Yet, when I go the webshell... it says we're building on ???? I have asked Angelfire if I had to pay to register the domain name with Lycos for $19.95 before I could start building on it or what did I have to do??? It's been over 48 hours since that request and I'm about to ask again.
Therefore, I am asking everyone here... Do I have to pay to register my domain name with Lycos before I can start building on it or is this a mistake in some way?
Friday, 31 March 2006
That Scrolling Link thing on the side....
Topic: HTML Questions
I'm putting together a website and gathering ideas and codes so I don't have to "redo" so much later. One thing we really like is that "Scrolling Link Thing" on the left side of some web pages we've viewed.
When you click on the link, it refreshes the other side to that page with out moving the scrolling link page on the left.
All help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Friday, 24 March 2006
Favicon Generator
I just found a nifty free favicon.ico generator at Dynamic Drive:
Just upload your image and it will automatically scale it and convert it to a favicon. The page also has instructions on the correct code to use.
Monday, 20 March 2006
Change in Edit Post Function
I have noticed lately when I enter
Edit Posted
My change appears in the Preview
But does not appear when I post the change.
I have discovered a "fix" if anyone else has been experiencing this problem.
Save the change as a draft then go to edit drafts and publish from there.
As a matter of fact I just had to use this process to correct a spelling error in this post LOL
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