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Sunday, 16 April 2006
Dreamweaver instead of Frontpage
Mood:  not sure
Topic: HTML Questions
I just recently got Dreamweaver 8, I used to have Front page, but I like Dreamweaver better! I am trying to figure out if I can edit my site with Dreamweaver the same way I can with Frontpage. With Frontpage I used to just be able to have the folder in my network places and save everything to that folder, and it would automatically show up on my page, does it work the same with Dreamweaver? Or do I have to set it up differently? I can't figure it out!! All help would be appreciated! Thanks!!

Posted by zine2/glitterwings007 at 10:54 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 17 April 2006 - 12:45 AM EDT

Name: dalleh

I think with the dream you have to update on your pc and then repload to update the site.

Friday, 26 May 2006 - 2:14 AM EDT

Name: chris
Home Page: http://goth/kawakamigensai

what the fuck man ya use dreamwaver ya fucking suck I do HTML coding by hand you ga are so LOL they why you guys do it is to easy ya think ya are good that is bullshit ya try and code by hand and see how good you are then I myslef is still learning. P.S. and I do javascript not as good in javascript better in HTML Ya need to stop doing the way that a baby would have to do and grow up some and code the way the fucking pros do it by fucking hand man and all you need is a notepad or microsoftword or any other html editor

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