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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
HTML Editor acting up
I tried to put an embedded audio file in a post
I selected for autostart="false"
When I preview the above is gone.
Now since I pasted it in here because I copied it out of the original html.
I am confused as to why it keeps dissapearing.
In additon I have some embedded videos in my draft files.
Because I used to be able to edit them for a new media file and use the code over and over again.
When I open drafts they are there they work but when I open the html edictor to copy the code there is nothing there
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Paid site shows as free
my website was 50meg free site when I changed it to paid site in 2005. They charged my credit card the monthly fee in July but now it shows as a free site at 20meg and I can't edit anything, only delete stuff as it is at 49.9meg and my member info shows 4 different credit card numbers available for them to bill my "free" site to. nobody there on weekends, i guess. hope they answer my angelfire form on monday. I tried to check to see if someone else had gotten in and changed my password but it only shows the current password with no way to change it, is changing password only available on paid sites? the "change password" link is gone. I opened another free angelfire account and moved some of my stuff to the new site to free up space on /mn/nn/ but it didn't help. maybe now has confused the new free website account with my paid one and thinks they are both free sites? and why didn't it default to 50meg free site which it was when i changed it to a paid site? very frustrating since my site hit 1500 hits on friday, a record, and now i can't update the pages
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Main URL dead
results in this failure message
err-or! er-ror - 500!
Some folks can see dead people
- can you see dead pages?
Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL. There has been an error with one of our scripts (/cgi-bin/index) . Please see the current Angelfire Alerts - we might already know about the problem. If we don't, please let us know!
'; document.write( searchbox ); document.getElementById( 'hws' ).focus(); } //-->
Try the search box below to find more information about your topic.
I can post to my blog and edict by using my History to get to blog builder, anyone having this problem might want to try that
Main URL dead
results in this failure message
err-or! er-ror - 500!
Some folks can see dead people
- can you see dead pages?
Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL. There has been an error with one of our scripts (/cgi-bin/index) . Please see the current Angelfire Alerts - we might already know about the problem. If we don't, please let us know!
'; document.write( searchbox ); document.getElementById( 'hws' ).focus(); } //-->
Try the search box below to find more information about your topic.
I can post to my blog and edict by using my History to get to blog builder, anyone having this problem might want to try that
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
My blog will not allow anyone to add a comment. This is very frustrating. I have a paid account and it was working fine until the new changes were made. Just to make sure that I didn't have conflicting code, I created a new blog with only default options selected and the javascript:add_comment('whatever') didn't work.
I've visited other blogs hosted on angelfire and had no problems with adding a comment. What's the problem? I sent two trouble tickets and never got a response (just automated response).
This is the test blog:
It fails in IE as well as Firefox. Angelfire error message states: There has been an error with one of our scripts
Please advise.
Hi JP,
I am not sure if you did or not please look in tripod club.
Saturday, 14 July 2007
HELP! (Urgent billing question)
Does anyone here have access to Angelfire staff? If so, could you bring this to their notice ASAP please.
I have notified Angelfire using the online ticket, but that was 13 days ago and they still have not responded to this issue. (they say they will respond within 5-10 business days)
I have a website Neon account with Angelfire, that I have had for a few years.
Recently, I was issued with a new credit card which is currently in use.
I have attempted several times to enter my new card details in my billing account but am unable to do so.
When I add the 'new card' details, I get a message saying "authorisation denied - bad card numbers"
They are not bad numbers, they are correct numbers and I am currently using this card for transactions. It is being accepted elsewhere. (including another hosting site)
My automatically deducted monthly payment is due soon - I do not want my site removed because of seeming lack of payment! There is obviously some bug with the system.
If anyone who is reading this has the capability to contact an Angelfire staff member concerned with account payments, please forward my concern asap.
Thanks, Geo.
Monday, 9 July 2007
Angelfire - Anti-Spam Work
The Angelfire Team is looking to do one-time spam filtering on all Microsoft FrontPage message boards on the site, to combat a growing spam problem on those boards. Last week we made it somewhat more difficult for spammers to abuse those boards, though more work can be done if it turns out to be necessary.
If you have a MSFP message board which has been spammed and you would like to be in the first round of cleanup, please message here. We're still shaking out the bugs with the system but volunteering will also make sure that we tune the tool to get all of your spam.
Saturday, 7 July 2007
How do I make the text on my webpage look the same as it does in the edit section? For example, I am setting up the text to look like a letter and I can't seem to seperate my opening (Dear John,) and closing (Sincerely)from the body of the letter. I know there is an easy way to do this, typing in symbols or something, but I can't quite remember.
i need help with my video3.wmv and video4.wmv, could you please help me to write a code to put on my video page! As always thank you!
Friday, 6 July 2007
Images on custom error404 pages
Does it work to put an image on a custom error404 page? It works when I look at the page from my webshell, but when I go to a known broken link to a page on my site and click, my 404 page appears without the image. No big deal, but I had a really funny picture I wanted to use...
The music/ sound disappearred on my website. I don't know why because I haven't changed my site for awhile. Is it possible to have somebody please check for me! i would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
Hit counters not working
Topic: FrontPage
Has Angelfire made changes that no longer allow my hit counters to work?
I use FP 2003, and my hit counters have worked fine up untill about a week ago. They look fine from Front Page, but do not show up when I view my page on the web; only a box with a red "X" where the counter should be.
I've been trying to get to live chat to ask, but it's rarely available.
Anyone know anything about this?
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Form Handler Mail Working?
not sure
Topic: CGI scripts
I am testing my Form Handler CGI script that
sends an email to several addresses. It has
previously worked for the past 5 years but hasn't
worked now for the past several days during my test . The last email I received was in March!
Has something changed recently to make my
code not work?
Is the Form Handler Mail server not working? (This
has happened in the past).
Any Suggestions are appreciated
Frontpage glitch??
I was trying to access my web through Frontpage and I get "..... does not exist, contact your server administrator" error. I tried to disable Frontpage and enable my site without much luck, I'm afraid. I seem to recall this thing happening a while back also and the problem persisted for a fortnight or about. Is there anyone here who gets the same error as mine? I'm considering an upgrade from Neon to the next type (can't remember now, Argon?). How worthwhile is it? Thank you for your answer.
Unable to change account details
I have recently received a new credit card and the one that Angelfire have is no longer in use. All attempts to enter the new card details in my account fail.
I check 'New credit card' and enter the relevant details and hit 'confirm'.
Nothing changes in my account details and only the old original (defunct) card remains listed so I can't 'switch payments' or redirect payments to my new card.
I am able to change other details, eg address, etc.
I have cookies enabled. Is there something else that is not obvious that must be done to get card details entered?
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Problem wit New Blog Software
I would like to create a link in my blog entry. However, the button to create a link in the new upgraded blog software is grayed out. Nothing happens when I try to click on it.
I tried just putting in the html [<a href.....> </a>] but it just shows up as text instead of as a link.
How do I get the link button to work?
Saturday, 30 June 2007
enter page/links
not sure
i have this picture on my index page that I for people to click on then they auto-matocally enter my site how do you do that?
how do you make those click-here link thingys
Friday, 29 June 2007
Upgrading site
(I entered a support ticket about this, but I have the feeling I might get a faster response here.) I decided to upgrade my Neon account to the Argon level. I signed into my account, clicked on the "upgrade" option, selected the plan I want, and then the page that comes up wants to assign me a completely new URL based on a completely different user name! I don't want a new URL, I just want to upgrade my service at the URL ( I already have! Plus there's all this business, depending on what "upgrade" link you click, with Lycos User Aliases and all these other different member names that I don't know what they are and what I'm supposed to enter.
If someone can tell me, in very easy-to-understand terms, how I can upgrade the website I already have, with the member name and URL I already have, I would appreciate it. (You'd think that if Angelfire wants us to give them more of our money, they'd make it easier and less confusing!)
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Angelfire Updates
Topic: News
This afternoon, the Angelfire Team released several major (and long-due) changes to the site.
Most obviously, the Angelfire Blog software has been updated to a newer version than that which is running on our sister site, Tripod. This release includes a new flow for making comments and entries, an improved text editor with WYSIWYG editing, and other improvements. This text editor is newer than the one currently on Tripod and should work for Safari users and others that had difficulty there.
We've also updated the MS FrontPage support a bit to make it harder for spammers to attack MS FrontPage messageboards. We're going to try and clean up some of the spam posts that users have complained about, though this may not be right away. (It's a tricky thing to do correctly.)
Domain assignment logic has now been cleaned up and there is now a configuration option for perferred domains, etc. on your My Account pages.
There were some hiccups during the day and some bugs do remain for some blogs. The team is working on delivering a fix ASAP. If you have any issues, you can leave a comment here and I'll make sure your problems are sent right up to our development team.
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