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Saturday, 19 November 2005
Help with getting web page up
I have went through all the steps and made my pages. Now when I go to my website, I get my first page, but when I go to one of my links it tells me that "Angelfire does not allow downloading
of certain file types to protect
visitors from computer viruses. " Could someone please let me know what I'm not doing right? I would really appreciate a fast response. Thank you.
Wednesday, 16 November 2005
I have read the start up links over and over and I can't get anywhere. I need to get my site started, but can't. Can anyone help me. I am computer stupid.
help newmember
*Set up new web site ok
* didnot get a /images directory like I was suppose to
* created one on my own but does not work properly
* if anyone knows why please respond
* thanks
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Angelfire Update
Topic: News
The Angelfire Team is busy upgrading some behind-the-scenes parts of the site. This will involve a slow, but invisible, update of all member sites to our new storage system. (Although nothing will change immediately, this update will be used by future product features.) If you see any new problems over the next couple of days, or if there are problems with newly created accounts, please leave a message here and I'll make sure the issues are investigated. We do not anticipate any disruptions.
Sunday, 13 November 2005
Help help help
not sure
I have a lot of questions. I looking for someone who would be willing to help me with my site. I just cant seem to get it to do anything. And I dont understand a lot of it. So if you would like to help me with this. Please let me know on here. E-mail me at let me know on my xanga. or my myspace.
I really need some help with this. Thanks a lot.
Background sounds
Topic: HTML Questions
I have tried everything to get a background midi to play on my site to no avail. see below what I have tried.
also tried thi
What am I doing wrong? Does angelfire accept background music?
Thanks in advance
Saturday, 12 November 2005
Inquiry Regarding Web Page.
Topic: HTML Questions
Nov 12, 05
Hi everybody, I have been using Angelfire free web publisher since my website is published. Now I would like to know how I can go from first page to the next or second page.
Is there a link system that I can use from the first page to go to the next page?
I now how to go to a page using web address space. I can type the page name and can get to the requested page, but I could not find a link system on the first page that takes me to the second page.
Anybody out there, Please send me an e-mail if you have an answer for it.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Matewes Tadesse
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
2 sites?
Is a member allowed 2 sites? I have one about our small town. Now the fire dept wants me to create one for them.
Tuesday, 8 November 2005
Perl Scripts
I am trying to install a cgi script and I really don't have a clue as to how to do it. I need to know the PERL path and the SENDMAIL path so I can change it in the script. If anyone knows these things or has any suggestions to help me install it, please let me know. Thanks for any help!
Think you've got what it takes?
Got a great site, photo album, or blog? Think it's good enough to make it to our Top 100 listing? Let us know!
We've just set up a way for you to suggest a site to be listed in our Top 100 listing. You can either suggest your own site, or another site that you've seen on Angelfire/Tripod that you thought was great, and think others would enjoy too.
Head on over to: and fill out the form to submit your suggestion. All we ask is that you only submit your suggestion once. You can submit as many sites as you'd like to suggest, but please only suggest them once each. This way, it will be easier on us to review them, and add those ones that we think are great to the Top 100 list!
Thanks for your participation,
Customer Support - Lycos
Hello Good morning everyone, is there anyone there who knows script for Calendars ? Thank you in advance!
Now Playing: david & gina
Topic: FrontPage
david & gina see the website
Monday, 7 November 2005
ok even i know angelfire doesnt support php.. but does any of the angelfire staff thats if they come in here know if and when it'll ever support php?? could really use it
Sunday, 6 November 2005
Download PDF file from site?
How would I go about making it possible for someone to download a pdf file from my site?
I can work out how to get the file to open on the site, but I'd like it to be download capable.
Thanks, George.
guestbook problems continue
I am getting more spam than ever on my html gear guestbook - at least 1 or 2 a day. The 15-17 year olds that the page is for sure don't need viagra, so it's a wasted effort. I think Tom wrote back before - I'd like to know if anything can be done to filter out this garbage. Thanks!
Saturday, 5 November 2005
Does anyone know the perl directory or whatever it is that has to be changed in cgi scripts so they'll work? Does anyone understand what I'm asking? Anyone's help would great! Thanks.
Thursday, 3 November 2005
david & gina website
on fire
Topic: FrontPage
hello this is david & gina welcome to the website see the big family we love the family & friends so have fun looking at the website
Message board help
Topic: HTML Questions
i am trying to make a message board for my family site, Someone told me Yabb would work on angelfire, however i have never messed with php or perl. I tried Yabb but a file wouldnt upload and nothing seemed to work right, so obviously isa not as smart as the family thought. Can anybody help me walk through this, Help would be much appreciated. As i sit right i deleted everything uploaded for forum. So i am starting from scratch.
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
i was wondering if anyone can help me get this up and going. i thought i had it but now i'm not sure i am trying to get to my page from the internet and i can't. i can't even copy links to my page please help me i am lost. i am new at this so i need some one who can explain it to me in a computers for dummies kinda way.
thank you.
Monday, 31 October 2005
Hello mamagoo,
i saw my index.html has 2 why?
How do i set for my entire bgcolor?
i have a piece of music that you suggested that i put it on my website-Photo Album. Thank you again!
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