
Topic: HTML Questions
When creating an new page for my site I was using the advanced editor to post my own html. When I save the page, an -a- tag is inserted into the html of the following sentence, which created a link on my page to a garage sale search site. The sentence originally read:
People are generous about donating to a garage sale, but holding a sale is very labor intensive,
as it appeared after saving (some html marks changed slightly for this post):
People are generous about donating to a !a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='garage sale'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">garage sale< !/a!, but holding a sale is very labor intensive,
Actually three tags were inserted similar to this example. Where does that !a-href! tag come from? Is it inserted by Angelfire or an affiliate? I've removed it and saved that page several times and the only way I keep it from coming back is to mis-spell garaage sale. I have scanned for spy and adware on my own computer and find no suspects. Haven't ever had anything like this appear on its own.
I don't mind ads, but is inserting html tags into my page part of the program?