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Friday, 19 December 2008
Just a question
I 'm using filezilla mto upload files via FTP to my angelfire website; among the files I want to upload there are some html pages ad stuff. The thing is it wont upload the pages that have images.
Does anyone have any idea why and how to solve it ?
Thanks to All
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Thumbnails not displaying right.
Topic: Image Questions
Hope someone can help me!! I created a webpage and put some pics on it. I used Mihov Gallery Creator to create the thumbnail images. When I put them on my page they display correctly on Firefox but when I go to my page using IE 8 there are no images at all. Is there something I need to do to display the thumbnails on IE?
Thanks in advance
Thursday, 11 December 2008
PayPal Account
I would like to add PayPal to my web site. I am still some what confused with the process. Do I have to change all of my items to the "shopping cart" format in order to do so? Or is there some other way to change over, over 500 items to a PayPal account. I would like to continue to be able to accept Visa & Master cards through my own account also. For those who don't have or don't want a PayPal account. Is this possable? Tell me more information about PayPal accounts.
I like the set-up I have now for pictures and all, but I think PayPal would increase my sales.
THANK YOU in advance for your time and help!
Shop Keeper, Dixie
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Scheduled Maintenance
The Lycos Network will be undergoing scheduled maintenance at approximately 2am EST on 12/10/08. This may result in a temporary interruption of all Lycos Products for a period of 1 hour. We politely ask for your patience during this scheduled outage.
Thank you -
Lycos Support
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Domain hell angelfire/lycos what is wrong with you people?
What is your guys problem? You will take our money and shut our acounts down asap if no payment yet you will not even come up with a phone tech support line? Thats not right I have 3 accounts with you guys and I have had nothing but bad luck with your guys service.
Like right now I can't even use my domain that you charged me for, I am trying to use it with angelfire assignment but your great a1 service, programming, servers etc. have once again proven how far back you guys are when it comes to hosting. I'm really getting to the point of moving my site to godaddy and I believe many like me are already doing the move.
Idea! use some of the money just a bit of your thousands, millions or whatever and fix your service! Add live reps & a freaking # to call unless you guys just don't give a rats butt!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Domain Transfer Hell!!
Topic: FrontPage
Can someone please, please help? I created a photo album which I want to be my main page and so my domain name page. The problem is, the computer keeps telling me I keep entering the wrong url. In the domain info when you go to asign your domain name to your directory plus url link, it keeps refusing me!!! for example where the blank is I'm suppose to type in the url link where I created my album: (I'm suppose to type: online_portfolio/) right?! but it keeps saying I typed the wrong url. Basically my domain name keeps opening up to, not like I want it to. What am I doing wrong?! Or what do I do?
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Angelfire web stats are weird...
not sure
Something puzzles me:
When I log on to Angelfire I see the number of page views my website got the previous day. Great.
Now over here in Great Britain, that figure changes at around midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) . A new day has begun so I suppose I get the page views for the day just gone. I understand that.
But then I get some sleep, log on to Angelfire in the morning, say 9 o'clock, and the page hits have increased (sometimes by a lot). It's like they get updated in the early hours.
Right now (00.23 GMT) Anglefire are saying I got 135 page views yesterday. But the number will have increased when I log on tomorrow morning.
Can anyone explain what's going on?
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Topic: FrontPage
help I uploaded my site last week and now am get the error
could not find a web server at on port 80. Please check to make sure that the web server name is valid and your proxy setting are set correctly.
What can I do to publish using frontpage wizzard am using this link
I have front page 2000
and Vista Home Premium
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Domains Email will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.
Topic: News
We would like to let all of you know that Domains Email will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.
All aspects of Domain Mail will be unavailable for approximately 4 hours, starting shortly after 1 AM (EST) and ending around 5 AM (EST) on Friday, November 14.
Please come back after that time to view and send domain email. Mail sent to your account during this time frame will arrive once the upgrade is complete.
Thank you for your understanding, and your ongoing use of Lycos Domains
Lycos Domains Team
html gear site broken cannot log in
Topic: HTML Questions
i guess this happen last night the poll isn't appearing on my site
when you go to html gear site at top suppose to say
New Users: sign up Members: log in
that part suppose to be up but isn't anymore i hit refresh and get
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
so anybody else having a problem don't see the log in at the top of html gear or is it just me? also folks who works on here do you know when this html gear log on problem will be fixed
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Angelfire will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.
Topic: News
We would like to let all of you know that Angelfire will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.
All aspects of the Angelfire web site, including tools, member pages, and hosted sites will be unavailable for approximately 12 hours, starting shortly after midnight (EST) and ending around 6 AM (EST) on Wednesday, November 12.
This includes
Please come back after that time to view, access, or edit any web pages.
Thank you for your understanding, and your ongoing use of Angelfire.
The Angelfire Team
Monday, 3 November 2008
How to contact tech support
Anyone know how to contact tech support (or anyone for that matter) at
I'm a premium member. The chat room never seems to be live. Googling "angelfire" or variants produces nothing relevant. WhoIs has nothing but generic Lycos information. Wikipedia is, well, wikipedia. Clearly Lycos doesn't want to be bothered.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Topic: Image Questions
Im Shawnee and im 16 yrs old.
I just started my agelfire thingy and every time I put a pic up a press preview, it wont show. It only shows the little box with the "x" in it. And whenever I right-click and press "show picture", it still wont show up.
Its soooo irritating!
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Carpet Repair
Now Playing: Carpet repair and restretching
Topic: FrontPage
I am 73 yrs young, and have been a carpet installer for over 40 yrs.
I can do small jobs of installing, but I mostly do repairs on seams, and
restretching loose installed carpets. I only work in the San Fernando Valley
area of Los Angeles, Ca. My phone number is:
Monday, 6 October 2008
I just want to edit my Angelfire page.
Now Playing:
Topic: FrontPage
I have had my B-205 webpage on angelfire for years. It seems tht since Lycos and Angelfire merged(?) that I have not been able to modify my page at:
When I login to Angelfire, it says my webpage is:
I can not change it to my B-205 page, and I need to update that page. I have a ticket open with lycos customer support, bu so far, no results.
Stan ( I just want to update my page!)
IE ad displacement issue (Lycos Customer Service response)
Topic: HTML Questions
Over the weekend, some Angelfire membership sites experienced problems due to a glitch with one of our advertiser’s code which serves the Ad Banners. The issue caused the site content to not display within the page.
We were able to resolve the issue early Monday morning and our member sites should now be displaying correctly within the Internet Explorer Browser. Sites were working OK within Firefox, the issue was contained to Internet Explorer Browsers viewing only.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused some of our members and their visitors.
Please feel free to visit our help site at to submit a membership support ticket (or email for further assistance should your membership site continue to experience a display issue.
Lycos Customer Service
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Ad Supported Sites are not loading correctly using Internet Explorer
Your page loads, but then an ad banner comes in and your content goes away. Your site will be ok once that ad banner is removed. It has to be done by Lycos and I would not expect them to fix it until Monday.
If you want to view your ad supported site before Lycos can fix the ad serving that code, you will have to use a Mozilla browser like Netscape or Firefox etc...
IE utilizes ActiveX and Mozilla does not. That bad banner is taking advantage of the ActiveX scripting in IE. Your sites contents code is being out done by the ad serving that banner and this keeps your page content from staying above it.
Your Site will be fine and will return to viewing correctly in IE once Lycos can get to correct the ad serving that code.
I'm sure they will be hit with many support tickets on Monday and they should get to it rather quickly. Hope fully!
If you have regular visitors to your site you could inform them to use a Mozilla Browser.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Help with form-handler email...
Now Playing: Help with form-handler email...
Topic: HTML Questions
Can anyone help with this problem???... I have a simple form that I'm trying to use to test the form handler email in Angelfire...
But every time I click Submit, here's what I get:
We can only accept forms that come from a Angelfire URL. Sorry! "
Does anyone know what that means???...
Here is my code... i found it on the web and cut and pasted it into my Angelfire directory... ANY suggestions/corrections welcome... I'm new to web pages and cgi sooooooooo... I can always use help and direction...
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD=POST>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="">
<textarea name=body cols="40">
This is a test of sending email from an HTML page.
<input type="submit" value="Send Feedback">
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Html Editor is Down
I cannot use the Html Editor, it comes up blank. Now anything saved before today does show code when I bring up the Html Editor, the posts for Sept 27 and before are OK
The Post for Sept 28 has this problem AND
I cannot write anymore posts now as well,
When I try to save them I get a "you must put text in the post" error message.
So it looks like everything is down now as far as writing new posts the last one must just have made it under the wire
This is not browser specific I have tried Avant, IE7, And Firefox 3.0
My Op system is XP Pro
Monday, 15 September 2008
Discussion walls
Is it possible to insert discussion walls where people visiting the website can post stuff when using angel fire webshell?
ASAP please... this is for an assignment shortly due
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