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Thursday, 26 January 2006
subdomains--reading what they are. How do you put content in them?
I have a site with the Argon package, which includes 5 free subdomains. I'd like to use one of these to organize some material on the site that is related and should be kept together.
My question is this: I got angelfire to name that subdomain for me this afternoon, but now how do I access the subdomain in the webshell so that I can put content in it? Someone, please help! I'm going nuts trying to find an answer.
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
front page question
In frontpage, can I make my web site ,and still don't
have to upload? In a way it is doing web site simulation ?
Say ,I have a written page in MS WORD document format.
How can I make this written page displayed in the web site? How do I write it in HTML language? I did it once
before,and I just don't remember how to do it any more.
Please help.
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
advertisements in frames
I have a free angelfire acct., with advertisements. My page is frame do I keep the banner ads out of my navigation (left) frame?
Monday, 23 January 2006
Planet Maintenance Tonight
Topic: News
Angelfire Planet will be partially down for several hours for routine maintenance, late in the evening on Jan 23 to early morning on Jan 24. Log-in will be disabled during this time and any content changes made to your Planet during this period may be lost.
We apologize for any inconvenience this downtime may cause and we will work to keep the disruption to a minimum.
Hack Post
I seem to have a hack post located at this address
But I cannot find it in my Blog manager
How do I get rid of it?
Monday, 29 December 2003
Yup ... perang mulut ama dd ku ... si QQ and [ao] perang mulut ... teriak seriosa ... ^^;
anyway ... I'll defence myself (^_^)b
My First Post was 14 September 2004 23:33 CDT | Posted by ky/kentuckydan
and I cannot get to this bogus post to delete it.
Sunday, 22 January 2006
How do I...
Topic: HTML Questions
I'm not good with HTML - and I thought I didn't have to be at this site. Do I? Anyway, I just started today and am trying to do the profile page. Where it says "Music" I had wanted to put a Guns n Roses song there (Knockin on Heaven's Door) - can someone tell me how to do this? I hope I'm not being stupid or a pest? Thanks!
Thursday, 19 January 2006
Bandwidth issue
You mean the bandwidth is the access to the site
per month? When will it be cleared & start all over?
At the beginning of each month?
display an image?
I used
in my advanced editor, but my picture has a broben link
in my home page( a broken frame ICON shown without picture).What did I do wrong?
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
I tried putting a counter on my index page using Frontpage 2002 but when I uploaded it the page just showed [Counter] instead of actual counter.
Does that mean that it isn't possible?
Monday, 16 January 2006
Help to delete blog site
1) If I delete my blog site name completly,
can I re-register with the same name again ?
2) why when I am in the advanced editor ,I can Not
go back to the basic editor? what is the
reason behide that?
Saturday, 14 January 2006
Now Playing: Newcomer
Topic: Image Questions
Hi guys,
I need some help on how to put images up on one of my website pages. How do you put up more than 3 images on one of your pages, I saw someone put up probably like 4 and I can only see 3.
Friday, 13 January 2006
Bitmap Blues
Now Playing: New Kid On The Block
Topic: Image Questions
How do I change bitmap to jpeg image?
I heard a whisper of a free download that converts?
Please help... bitmap blues; thanks.
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
Gogear GuestBook getting 'robo' spammed!
My Guest Book is getting blasted with scummy poker site spam - around 70 comments a day that I have to sift through and delete.
Is there a way I can stop this 'robot' spammer and have guests enter a code or something before they can post a comment?
Or is there some other thing I can do?
I have all comments now set to 'hidden' until I give them the ok, but it still means I have to check and delete up to 70 entries of this garbage a day.
Any suggestions welcome.
Hello mamagoo,
Can you tell me how to fix my index page-Chinese pictures come out smoothly from the right side1
Tuesday, 10 January 2006
Link Bars won't FTP correctly?
not sure
Topic: FrontPage
I added link bars to my site (on a left shared border), as I am adding more pages, and want navigation to be easy for people. For many of the styles that I choose for link bars, I cannot ftp them. I get a message that"
The following pages in your web site contain link bars or navigation bars that use new formatting options. They will not display properly because the server your are publishing to does not support these features.
How can I get link bar styles that will work with angelfire?
How do I add storage space to my account? I have Neon and think I have to upgrade to Argon but I can't figure out the darn website.
Sunday, 8 January 2006
html question
ok guys....sorry..its been a while since i have used html, and i cant seem to remember how to make a picture into a link...i can get a worded link but i would like to put a picture that people can click to be taken to the link instead...any suggestions on what i might try? thanks in advance :)
Friday, 6 January 2006
Please Check for me!
'back and close seem i had some problems'
i went on webshell, edit, preview, Then i clicked close, BUT i couldn't go back to the previous page!
It happened only when i do edit, close.
Thank you for your time!
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Hello cw,
i know you gave me the script about the large and thumbnail image. i tried but it didn't work on my album page (chinese new year image)!
Thank you again
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