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Sunday, 24 April 2005
Browser Scroll
Mood:  irritated

I copy and pasted a browser scroll script from lycos and it worked fine for a few days. It has come upon 2 days that it has not worked. I did not modify it after I added it on my site. I don't know why it will no longer work. Is anyone having difficulty with your scroll browsing. It is not working on my puter right now. But if someone could take a look and let me know whether or not it does for you. If anyone can give me a solution please send it my way.

Thank you

Website URL: www.theciminis.com

Posted by pa5/darlyn at 12:59 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 25 April 2005 - 10:32 AM EDT

Name: cw
Home Page: http://watson.addy.com/

Not working here. The scroll script I see on your index page is inserted incorrectly and there are also many html errors including the duplication of major formatting tags (like head, body, title) of which there should only be one of each.

I also see the onLoad handler portion of the script repeated twice in your code. Your first step should be to validate your html code to correct errors and see if that helps. Try the link above for a free html validator. Every returned error may not need fixing as some are minor that may not affect display at all. Just concentrate on the big ones for now.

Also, if you added any other scripts with onLoad events like the scroller uses, they can be in conflict. If that's the case, the onLoad events can be combined into the one body tag that belongs on the page.

Post back if you need more help.

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