
Topic: HTML Questions
It seems someone at Angelfire/Lycos has changed the case senstive web site address system in the webshell so my webshell which did have 100's of html files and 100's of jpgs now says it has 1 html file and no jpg files. My Angelfire web address has a capital W in it but when I log in my webshell shows a small w and says I just have a 1k index.html file with the beginner Angelfire template. All my html and jpg files are missing from the webshell. I have no way to edit my massive website anymore that I have had since 1996 and which I pay Angelfire over $9 a month for.
I checked someone else's webshell I handle for them and they had a capital letter in their address and the same thing happened to them. What is going on here? Can someone explain???