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Friday, 8 April 2005
I went to the angelfire website to get info on managing my site and went thru the steps and when I got to the one saying:
The index.html file is the first page people will see when they type in your URL. For example, when you type in: www.angelfire.com/electronic/newbietutorial/ , the web browser looks for www.angelfire.com/electronic/newbietutorial/index.html. This is a web standard, like it or not. If you've already made a site, and you've named your first page something else (some common ones are: main.html, page1.html, or mypage.html), make sure to go back and rename that file to index.html with a lower case i. The Web Shell's Rename button makes this a simple process.

Well I did and now my website doesnt work, I've lost EVERYTHING! all because I listened to the Help Page, well Help Page: I need your assistance in getting me out of this problem you told me to do.

Posted by wa3/darko at 1:40 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 8 April 2005 - 11:23 AM EDT

Name: tom


I guess that the 'Angelfire help page' is taking
for granted, that you have saved the file on your
computer in plain text format [txt]... and therefore
have a back-up, should anything go wrong.

If you have created a valid HTML file and simply changed
the name to index.html; I don't see how the content
could have disappeared.

I would suggest, that you look through your directories
to find it. Maybe you saved it in your Images directory or something like that?

The index.html file must be in the top level directory, for
it to function as a homepage and be retrieved, using your
primary Angelfire URL.

Saturday, 9 April 2005 - 11:36 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

after the renaming, you have to change the links from other pages to the main page mostly call Home page from whatever to index.html

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