I went to the angelfire website to get info on managing my site and went thru the steps and when I got to the one saying:
The index.html file is the first page people will see when they type in your URL. For example, when you type in: www.angelfire.com/electronic/newbietutorial/ , the web browser looks for www.angelfire.com/electronic/newbietutorial/index.html. This is a web standard, like it or not. If you've already made a site, and you've named your first page something else (some common ones are: main.html, page1.html, or mypage.html), make sure to go back and rename that file to index.html with a lower case i. The Web Shell's Rename button makes this a simple process.
Well I did and now my website doesnt work, I've lost EVERYTHING! all because I listened to the Help Page, well Help Page: I need your assistance in getting me out of this problem you told me to do.