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Wednesday, 6 April 2005
James Marsters making a Spike movie with Joss Whedon
Mood:  energetic
Topic: HTML Questions
Hi everyone i'm vamp2/megan ,I'm also new around here. So do any of you watch Buffy THE VAMPIRE SLAYER or ANGEL . Well my favorite is James Marsters aka Spike is going to play Spike in a movie they just need SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR and some of the old stars off of both shows. joss Whedon is very upset with the upn network still for not putting Angel on there but is going to make a new show with that network. To get rid of Veronica Mars off the air . So well if any of you love watching Buffy or Angel please email me at mitchellslayer91@sbcglobal.net Have fun you guys and have a great day

Posted by vamp2/megan at 6:38 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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