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Saturday, 2 April 2005

Mood:  spacey
I am just beginning to set up a site for my pictures and I want to know how to post more than three pictures on a page. If anyone can help me. I am feeling quite stupid. Help!

Posted by scary/bethy at 11:59 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 3 April 2005 - 5:43 AM EST

Name: tom


It would help to learn some simple HTML coding.
Here is a useful Lycos Tool to get you stsrted on
the basics of building a web site:


Sunday, 3 April 2005 - 6:12 PM EST

Name: mamagoo

if you plan a a lot of photo type pictures, you could use the angelfire photo gallery and then link to the gallery from your homepage.

If you want to Keep the pictures on your site pages then create more then one photo page with three pictures to a page.


then use links from page to page such as 'continue to page2' etc.....

but you should get familiar with html code for linking and so on, and how to add pictures to a web page....

keep the amount of pictures on one page limited and this would depend on the file size and how larger the picture's are, so be sure you optimize your photo's for web page use......
best to keep them under 12kb file size.....

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