Topic: News
The Angelfire Team today released an update to "Lycos Domains" ( which lowers the prices on all standalone domains from $34.95 per year to $19.95, with discounts for mult-year purchases. This change does not affect Angelfire members who get their domain free with their bundle package, but users that have purchased domains separately will see the discount the next time they renew.
If you aren't familiar with them, Domain Names purchased through Lycos are completely compatible with Tripod & Angelfire hosting and support the transparent "domain assignment" (which you need for search engines, etc.) If you already have a domain, you can purchase another to use as a subdirectory of your site. (Lycos Domains also offers WebMail and some other featuress.)
If anyone sees any problems with this new feature, please let me know in this thread and I'll make sure they get looked into.
(Yeah, if you read both clubs then this message sounds awfully familiar. Maybe I should call it the Angelpodcirclegearfire Team, but that doesn't flow as nicely off the tongue. We're all one happy family.)