
Topic: FrontPage
Hi all, I am very new at this, and not doing so well lol. I have two questions that if anyone can help I would appreciate it very much. Question 1: I thought Blog could just be a link on my web page to be able to go to, but when I created a Blog it over wrote my whole page, and I didnt want that..What did I misunderstand? Question 2: If not already answered in question 1, What I am really wanting to do it have a link that goes to a place where you can post things, I want this link on my homepage. See I am doing this site for a Spades Team, and I need a link they can click on to post things at, but I dont want my whole site to be a Blog, and when I tryed to connect my Blog as a link it wouldnt go, and then somehow I over wrote my whole page I created into a Blog page :( Like I said not doing so well here. So any advice I would love to hear please.