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Monday, 18 August 2008
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that my website Darth Leon Customs is now up and running. You can see it at
There you can see all my past and present custom action figures. but that's not all, there is Star Wars, Gi Joe, Marvel Legends, transformers, movies, dvd, music, sports, basically anything and everything.
Hope that you will find the time to stop by
Thursday, 14 August 2008
page cant' be found on web sites
Topic: HTML Questions
Hello!! I tried to find my html page online, the directory keeps saying an error 404 can't find page. I would like to know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks to whomever can help. :)
Removing Links
Now Playing: news
In your journal, I was wondering if these links can be removed? Tripod home, tripod builder, tripod member, spot light, register your domain(already have one), and they are groups of 1 and 2. Last night I removed grouped links but these still show! How do I get them removed?
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Uploading link buttons?
I was wanting to know how to upload a link button onto my site. The site I'm trying to link offers buttons to click on to get to their site and I can't get the link button to upload onto my site.
How do I get the link button to show up on my website?
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Page not displaying
Topic: HTML Questions
Several weeks ago my page stopped displaying (except for the ads at the top) at . When I go to the webshell editor, the page will view just fine from within the editor (but of course no ads are there when viewing from within the editor). Is there some sort of html code I need to add to (or delete from) the page so that it can be viewed normally again?
Is something in the html ad code at the top conflicting with something in my html code (my code is all very simple)? If so, what is it?
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Domain not showing up in account.
Now Playing: news
Topic: HTML Questions
I haven't updated my website/domain in 2-3 months b/c I've been gone. I went into my account today to check on the domain and it was no longer listed. I checked the URL but it's still there but I can't update it. It keeps going to free web page that I want nothing to do with. I checked last months bank statement and we were billed for the domain. My blog and photoblog are also gone. I didn't cancel or delete anything and not sure why everything is all of a sudden gone. I don't share any of my information with anyone (I'm a solitude type of person). I don't get how it is showing up but not in my account. I sent out a ticket but not sure the hours for help. I also noticed that domain help wasn't available. I don't understand what's going on?
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
How to add RSS feed to Angelfire website
Topic: HTML Questions
Please could someone help me with info how I can add an RSS feeder to my website (not blog) which is on Angelfire.
I am quite fit with HTML coding but have no clue about XML or PHP - whereas the second may not be accepted by Angelfire anyway.
Everything I have read so far on the internet is quite confusing for me so please could anyone direct me to a simple tutorial how I can add an RSS feed to my website.
This would be very much appreciated! Thanks you in advance,
Monday, 28 July 2008
Please Help!!!
Topic: HTML Questions
hi. someone PLEASE help. i feel like a real dummy asking this, but i am frustrated here. HOW on EARTH do i place meta tags in Angefire??? do i go through the webshell & create a new file & name it advanced editor. html???
Sunday, 27 July 2008
How do I add a comment section in my website?
hey guys,
really hope that u guys can help me out here. i want to add a comment section so my website viewers can leave their comments, but the problem is, i do not know how to do it. i've googled some of it and i still can't do it. i do not know how to do the php scripts. so can somebody pls help me out here. really appreciate it. thanks.
p/s: i'm using frontpage to create my website
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Form is not following function
Topic: HTML Questions
I have a form loaded on my webshell that is supposed to email me the results that the visitor selects but all I get is the email address and name of the visitor emailed to me. How can I see what they are selecting or typing in the forms blocks? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Excel Workbook not displaying
An Excel Workbook saved as html does not display properly on angelfire but does so on localhost. In Webshell, if I edit the page and Preview it, it works just fine but when I access it via the URL it doesn't. This is apparently due to the code that Angelfire adds to pages (after the body object) before shipping them to the browser. In Preview, the Angelfire code is not present.
Does anyone have a clue? Angelfire's help pages and FAQs are not currently available.
The page is
Adding "Hit Counter Script" troubles
Topic: HTML Questions
I've been trying to add a hit counter to my page but receive an error evey time. My eventsglba2008.htm is 919K. The hit counter script I've been trying to add is from
Here is the steps I follow
1. Go to Web Shell
2. Open eventsglba2008.htm with Webshell > Advanced Editor
3. Add to the top of the eventsglba2008.htm text "<img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi">"
4. Press save
5. Receive error "Page cannot be displayed"
Please let me know how I can add a hit counter to my page
Monday, 14 July 2008
AARRGGGHHH!! Comments help?!
I get so frustrated at my comments on my blog... a good half the time they don't work and so I can't get interaction on my blog that way. What is the best setting to have for comments? And why don't they work half the time anyway?! I would be more willing to pay for a domain using angelfire as the host if I knew this one feature would always work like it was supposed to!
Saturday, 5 July 2008
How can I change the angelfire favicon to my own personal one?
Automatic pinging??
Topic: HTML Questions
I was wondering if we can use this code from Technorati in our blogs to do automatic pinging?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value>YOUR WEBLOG NAME HERE</value>
Monday, 30 June 2008
I need help but can not find the topic!
Now Playing: My problem
Topic: News
Dear fellow bloggers,
Angel/Planet has told me that my site in Planet eg. Argon is closing down on August 1.
Has anyone else received this email?
I really need to keep my domain name but do not know if I can.
Can anyone help?
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Links Not Working
Topic: HTML Questions
I just moved my blog over to Angelfire so I can have everything together with my web page in one spot. I've gone live with my blog and will be using more frequently I hope.
The problem I have is that it shows a link for Newer | Latest | Older on the page and it comes with the editor it's not something I put in there. It isn't live, it doesn't work. Do you have to have more than six entries on the page for it to begin to work?
Our blog is at
If anyone can help I'd be very appreciative!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Verfication Codes
Recently updated my blog after being inactive for a couple months. The verification code now diplays 6 or 7 sets of letters and number in various sizes and fonts and it can be difficult to determine what the correct code is. Bloggers are emailing me that they can't get their posts in because they receive the prompt to "check verfication code".
Is there something funky with this code or is there a way to bypass or simplify the process?
Thank You
Friday, 13 June 2008
Form Handler Mail NOT Working
Topic: CGI scripts
I tested my Form Handler CGI script that
sends an email to several addresses. It doesn't work.
Has something changed recently to make my
code not work?
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Where Did it Go?
Now Playing: Where Did it Go?
Topic: HTML Questions
Similar to the question asked by "I'm confused," I have had my Angelfire account and website for a number of years, but have not updated it in some time. As of this moment the pages cannot be accessed. I would really like to retrieve this data. Is there any way to retrieve archived data?
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