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Sunday, 10 August 2008
Page not displaying
Mood:  sad
Topic: HTML Questions

Several weeks ago my page stopped displaying (except for the ads at the top) at https://www.angelfire.com/az/Taylorology . When I go to the webshell editor, the page will view just fine from within the editor (but of course no ads are there when viewing from within the editor).  Is there some sort of html code I need to add to (or delete from) the page so that it can be viewed normally again?  

Is something in the html ad code at the top conflicting with something in my html code (my code is all very simple)?  If so, what is it?


Posted by az/Taylorology at 10:36 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 11 August 2008 - 4:31 AM EDT

Name: "tom"

Hi Bruce,

Your page is displaying just fine for me. Try clearing your cache.

Monday, 11 August 2008 - 9:23 AM EDT

Name: az/Taylorology
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/az/Taylorology

Thanks for the reply.  I guess this problem is browser-specific.  I'm on a Mac; the page will not display in Safari, but will currently display fine using Firefox or IE.  I guess I can live with that for the time being.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008 - 5:04 AM EDT

Name: "tom"

CW has a Mac. Maybe she can have a look at your page.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008 - 8:52 PM EDT

Name: "cw"

As you said, your page displays in Firefox but not in Safari. My guess is the encoding used for your text when you saved it before uploading.

I copied your html into TextEdit making sure to change the format to plain text ( see the TextEdit drop down menu under "Format" in the main menu bar. Save in UTF-8 or Western (isolatin 1). see my link above which is your page in UTF-8. If it displays foir you in Safari as it does for me here then that's the fix. http://crashtestdummy23.tripod.com/pre.html is saved as Western(iso latin1) which also displays for me in safari. If that doesn't help post back and I'll look a little harder:)

you have a bit of bad html but that doesn't appear to affect display in safari. But if you want to fix it, you have a </pre> tag with nomatching opener and a <PRE> tag with no  closer.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008 - 8:55 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"
Home Page: http://crashtestdummy23.tripod.com/pre.html

Did I mention how much I hate captcha? lol

 let's try it again ... link above is utf-8

link below is liso latin1


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