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Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Form is not following function
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions

I have a form loaded on my webshell that is supposed to email me the results that the visitor selects but all I get is the email address and name of the visitor emailed to me.  How can I see what they are selecting or typing in the forms blocks?  Any help is greatly appreciated.



Posted by extreme4/pensacolamartialarts at 12:29 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 5:44 AM EDT

Name: "cw"

I see 2 forms on your site. One contains only email address and visitor name fields. This is the one I think you are getting results from. The second form on another page displays the html only and is not a working form because of that. see.....


The hmtl itself looks OK on this second page but it does not display as a form but looks like source code in my Firefox browser. You have at least one other page that displays (or rather does not display) in the same way. see....


Something is wrong when only the html shows and nothing else. It may be that the html was enterted as text on the page instead of written as an hyml file. 

As another possible cause, one thing I notice with both of these "bad" pages is that they appear to be index pages listed in their own subdirectories. I say that because neither link is written directly to a file but to a subdirectory. Each of those two links lacks a specific page file name in the link so by default, the index.html page for that subdirectory will be served.. When I try to access the index.html or .htm file that should be there, I get a page not found error. That makes me wonder how you named the page files you are using for these two pages that don't display. All page files must be named with a .html or .htm extension. Check that first and name the files properly if needed then see if they display as they should once that's done. If it still doesn't work, then go back and make sure the html you're using is written in plain text and inserted as html.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 5:58 AM EDT

Name: "cw"

Your second form page displays fine in Safari for Mac. I sent a test form to you from that page. You should validate your html and look for a small mistake that is causing firefox to burp. At brief look, I'm stumped why that form does not display in Firefox as it should. It's probably something simple that just escapes me for now.

As an aside- This line needs to be changed in your html.

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="http://www.YOURLINK.com">

It should point to a real page, (perhaps a "thank you" page that you can create and upload)  to let visitors know that there submission has been sent. Or you can point back to your homepage if you wish. Just change the value to the URL of the page you want visitors yoto go to after the form has been submitted.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 6:12 AM EDT

Name: "cw"

Very, very odd. Your form page displays in IE as well as Safari, but not Firefox. Check your page in a firefox browser. I sttill can't figure out why this page behaves this way for me in Firefox. Maybe someone else here can take a look.

You are also saving the submitted form info to a file (vistors.txt). Are you receiving the submitted info there? Check your webshell.

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