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Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Mood:  flirty
Topic: Jokes & Fun
dellah, on the "Updating my account from free to Argon" post you said that this was user to user and that no one from here was from Angelfire. Somehow, dellah, I find that hard to believe since you are always the first to answer EVERY question here...huh? Explain that one.

Posted by poetry/northpoint at 6:28 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (21) | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 14 August 2006
Changing blog template
Mood:  quizzical
Will changing my blog template or layout delete my content?

Posted by Daymon at 12:29 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 11 August 2006

Does anyone know the difference between Digital & Handycam(Sony, 120x, DVD)which one is better to use for the website. Thank you in advance!

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 10:00 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post
Wednesday, 9 August 2006

hello, i made a page called copy_of_index.html. i try to put the random images on this page, but it seems not working? (codes?)Please check and thank you again for your help.

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 6:21 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post
Member Sites Indexing System
Mood:  quizzical
Does anyone here know how Angelfire index(s) member sites? It really annoying not knowing. If anyone could please help out and clarify. Thanks.

Posted by poetry/northpoint at 6:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post
Wednesday, 2 August 2006
Posting Problems
I can neither Post a new entry, nor can I save as a Draft. On my blog at least let's see what happens here.

There are no Angelfire Alerts on this glitch.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:44 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (7) | Permalink | Share This Post

Hello md/jdfaq
Yes, i copy and paste this code, but it didn't show the RANDOM CONTENT? Can you please show me an example. Thank you again!

(Question posted on Tuesday, 18 July 2006)

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 3:52 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (10) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 3:59 PM EDT
Edit buttons
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Image Questions
Is an angelfire web site compadable with xpPro? When I go to web shell, there is no edit button there anylonger, I have several pages and no edit button on any of them. PLEASE HELP!

Posted by vt/SledgeHammer at 8:08 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 31 July 2006
Dummy Post
Topic: CGI scripts
Ok, this is a dummy post to see if it shows up in the CGI section this time. CGI scripts is selected from the drop dow. Since I'm not a mod, it should show up for me the same way it does other users since CW broke it...LOL, just kidding.

Posted by Daymon at 3:28 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (10) | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 28 July 2006
CGI Resources
Topic: CGI scripts
OK, I am trying this post one more time. For anyone who would like to do something a little more interesting with their Angelfire pages, I found this "online book" for beginners interested in learning PERL. Thought it was worth a mention and even if you don't know CGI you can get a few tips here:

reposted for daymon

Posted by dalleh at 10:43 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (9) | Permalink | Share This Post
To Post to a topic you must manually select a topic when posting the entry
Topic: CGI scripts
Daymon- go back and try again with a fresh entry. This is CW posting from an account that does not recognize me as a moderator so that I could see what everyone else should see. The topic field in the entry creation screen is a drop down list. Select :CGI scripts" from the topic list before you post it.

Topics can't be added to existing entries retroactively. That has to be done at the time of it's initial posting.

hope that clears things up.

Posted by planet/crashtestdummy at 2:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (9) | Permalink | Share This Post
CGI Resources
Mood:  a-ok
OK, I am trying this post one more time. For anyone who would like to do something a little more interesting with their Angelfire pages, I found this "online book" for beginners interested in learning PERL. Thought it was worth a mention and even if you don't know CGI you can get a few tips here:

Posted by Daymon at 1:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 27 July 2006
Web Rings and Guest Books
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: https://www.angelfire.com/planet/richardsmusicpages
Topic: News

I'm a new Angelfire member and needed help on a few questions, so that I'm sure to be in compliance with Angelfire's rules, regulations and terms of service. Are Angelfire page members allowed to put their pages on a "Webring" and provide "Guestbooks" for visitors.

Since "rings" and "books" mean posting codes from other sources, does Angelfire not allow it?

My experiences with other service, they didn't allow such "outside" code or "directing" of web traffic.

Thanks for your help. I've searched though the help and terms section, but I can't find anything on these subjects. I'm sure its there, I'm just not looking in the right place.

Thanks for helping me out.

Posted by planet/richardsmusicpages at 11:17 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Hello, i just made a web page named: copy_grant.html However, it seems the banner, image and the text not are align..can you check for me? Thank you again.

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 11:09 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post
Sunday, 23 July 2006
Is This Site Useful ?
Please take the time to feedback your comments on this site.

1. What do you view most?
(a) Family History
(b) Shoe Box Photos
(c) Cindy's Favorite Recipes
(d) Family Birthdays
(e) All of the above

2. How often do you view the site?

3. What do you NOT like about the site?

4. What suggestions would you have to improve this site?

Posted by or2/stephens at 7:57 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 21 July 2006
please help im new to this
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions
i did my first page with web shell i saved my work now how do i get it to show up on my site

Posted by planet/trizia at 8:17 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
connecting main site with blog
Mood:  not sure
Topic: HTML Questions
is there a way to have my blog on my main angelfire page or a link to make it the second page. another words is a way for one to view my blog from the main page? does that make sense? I'm a little tired and finding it hard to put into words exactly what i want.
thanks for the help

Posted by planet/pettydriver at 8:16 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 20 July 2006

i am sending e-mail from Outlook (Lisa's Website)
Errors message came out:
! Task' map.domains.lycos.com-Sending reported error (0x800ccc0f): The connection to the Server was interrupted.

i think i am missing some steps!
Thank you again for your help!

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 9:42 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
Wednesday, 19 July 2006
First CGI post
Mood:  energetic
Ok, so I get to make the first post in the CGI section :) Anyway, I found this online book for PERL beginners and thought I would share the link for any of you who may be interested in doing something a little more dynamic with your web pages. http://learn.perl.org/library/beginning_perl/

Posted by Daymon at 10:13 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 18 July 2006

I want to use the Angelfire Ramdon Content on to my website. I tried but it didn't work. Please explain how I can make it work. Thank you in advance!

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 10:26 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post

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