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Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Hello, i just made a web page named: copy_grant.html However, it seems the banner, image and the text not are align..can you check for me? Thank you again.

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 11:09 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 26 July 2006 - 9:25 AM EDT

Name: dalleh

try to add align="CENTER" all table tags and see what happens.

<table align="CENTER">

Thursday, 27 July 2006 - 11:22 AM EDT

Name: planet/richardsmusicpages
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/planet/richardsmusicpages

mmmm.. this sounds like problem I had when I started. My webpage graphics butted right up against the banner ads running across the top of my angelfire page. You would need to put a couple of breaks
or a paragraph at the very beginning of your HMTL code, right above your tag. That will 'push' your page down a little, creating a nice space between your page and the banner ads. I hope I read your question correctly and provided the right answer.

Tuesday, 1 August 2006 - 10:26 AM EDT

Name: fl5/lisalk00

Thank you very much!

Tuesday, 29 August 2006 - 3:11 AM EDT

Name: electronic2/rcl

I couldn't find copy_grant.html but did find grant.html and it looks fine here. I use Internet Explorer v6.0.

BTW you site looks fantastic!


Tuesday, 29 August 2006 - 2:38 PM EDT

Name: fl5/lisalk00

Thank you very much. Please visit my site often--Mahalo!

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