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Saturday, 1 July 2006
Now Playing: Angelfire Upgrade
I just paid for the premium site so that I could get a free dot com but the dot com they gave me links to Tripod.Com. I don't want to build with Tripod, I want the dot com to link to my angelfire site. How do I do that? Anyone...
Thursday, 29 June 2006
Aloha and Mahalo.
Do you think i can change some pages or ways that my website is posted. Beacuse it seems i have plenty of Bandwidth, but my Disk Space is getting filled up.
Does anyone know: tip-of-the-day or daily wisdom scripts or website that i can use on my website?
Thank you very much.
Page Anchors
Topic: HTML Questions
OK I've tried two different codes here on my angelfire site for page anchors. I have pages that are really long (filled with short story series) and I'd like to give my readers the option of jumping to the episode they want to read. However every time I try to put an anchor the link does not take you to the indicated spot, but instead to my homepage.
Does angelfire not allow this code?
Tuesday, 27 June 2006
Blog Directory
Is there a directory of just Angelfire blogs? It would make it so much easier to find and interact with other Angelfire blogs of the same interest. If there isn't one, post your blog here and I will create a directory. Someone has to do it. If anyone has an interest in personal finance feel free to start blogging with me here:
Monday, 26 June 2006
Plz Help
not sure
Topic: Image Questions
How do i make my background just ONE picture, instead of having the same picture repeated over and over again??? Plz someone help!!!
Blog posting
I recently posted to my blog under a certain category. When I went to take a look at the post it did not show the post on the main page....only under the category I posted to. Arent the newest posts supposed to show up on the main page? I ended up having to post under (no category) to get it to show up.
I also noticed when someone clicks the "post to this blog" link regardless of being signed in or not are sent to a page that reads: You are no longer have posting permission in this community. #1 its you no longer have...not you are no longer have, secondly, I want anyone, especially my sites visitors to be able to post their thoughts and comments without signing up for an angelfire account.....if they sign up for anything I want it to be something I am offering, not something Angelfire offers, since I have a paid account.
With this mess, what is the point of blogging? Angelfire sees their blogging software as a tool for signing up more members, which is fine and even practical for a free account. Not so for paid accounts.
WTF: Help please Anyone PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't ask
Topic: Image Questions
So.......I did the whole image background thing and it worked fine with one problem....image dosent fit-to-page...go figure its 800-600 or somthing like that. So I figured that i could use the page alignment button under edit index and maybe change to stretch or center....didnt work that only works for the words on the page!!!!grrrrrr.....So basically there are to buttons to change stretch minimize maximize images under the background image catagory under the index diretory editing page!!!
someone plz help...
Sunday, 25 June 2006
Qumana desktop blogger
I was wondering if anyone has tried out that new Qumana desktop blogger yet? If so, is there a way to add a custom tag line? Sort of like a signature in forums?
Friday, 23 June 2006
This is no joke go to my page and click on the
free xbox 360 link and sign up!
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
on fire
Now Playing: precisionclick
Topic: HTML Questions
does anybody know when angelfire will ever take off precisionclick ad on freesites or not? getting pretty tired of seeing this everytime i go to my site
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
After signing in to the Angelfire, and I noticed the page didn't show anything on the right side of the page, except:
[INCLUDE OF "myAccount.tmpl.html" FAILED: Template file not found]
Please check it out for me. Thank you!
Monday, 19 June 2006
No delete option
Okay, just joined angelfire. I uploaded a page as an experiment (just to make sure I was doing it right), and found I couldn't delete it, because there's no delete button in my web shell. Has this happened before? Is there something I can do about it?
Can you tell me how to fix my background image as one whole image instead of many small images into as one background ---my index.html
Thank you again in advance!
Saturday, 17 June 2006
placed a blog and it's gone
on fire
Now Playing: not right
Topic: News
feelin so down. Getting letters from my X again. They are taking sides. Where is the priest and high priest.
Wednesday, 14 June 2006
Updating Site
accident prone
My name is Dan, and I run a PBeM sim. I had someone doing the website for me, but she's been taken ill, adn left it in my hands. Now, I can see how to edit the pages, add photos, etc, but they don't seem to STAY, as in when I go back to the site later, the changes I made aren't there.
Sunday, 11 June 2006
I have made my pictures the size of about 9k to 15k (thumbnails) on New York 2006 using marquee.
But in the picture album, can you tell me what kind of code to use so that my pictures will be seen as Bigger and Larger. Thank you in advance.
Friday, 9 June 2006
not sure
Now Playing: angelfire ad
Topic: HTML Questions
how come when i go to my site now on and any angelfire site an ad comes up geo.percisionclick
is this a new ad angelfire install recently?
Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Does angelfire support PHP?
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
blog management
can somebody help me, i've already found how to make blogs private, but what i want is to build my blog with a password, so only people i know personally can enter, even if they don't belong yet to angelfire, is it possible to build like a "lounge", so i don't have to inscribe them only give them a password
thx a lot
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