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Tuesday, 20 September 2005
moving pictures
I am using a templete from angelfire for my site. But the big picture is always at the bottom of my page is there a way to get the larger picture on the top?
Angelfire Maintenance Complete
Topic: News
Last night's Angelfire maintenance was completed successfully and all Angelfire features were switched over to the new facility by 5:00 AM with most features done by 3:00. Given DNS propagation time, everyone should now be seeing the new site. (You must be, if you're reading this.)
From past experience, I know that some ISPs do not properly notice DNS changes in a timely fashion and so may have switched over sometime later during the day, but they should all be set now. (I'm sure that someone, someplace will have one that has a broken cache, but that should be an extreme exception. If things aren't working right for you, please try restarting your computer. If that doesn't help, please post here and we can help you investigate.)
Although blogs and albums were a bit slower than normal today, we have finished database tuning and you should notice a pretty substancial performance improvement. I notice just looking at the club that viewing comments is quite a bit faster for me than it used to be. (Some of that, of course, will be because I'm physically closer to the machines. But the underlying hardware is also significantly faster.)
If you see any problems, please post here and I'll make sure they get raised to the team.
Change Order of Links on a Blog?
Hi! I have several groups of links on my blog and I am comfortable working with the advanced controls, but I can find no way to change the order of the groups of links. Is there code anywhere that I could work with or any way this can be done? Thanks! Terry,
I have uploaded a picture onto my website, but it will only show up when I am logged into angelfire. If I close my browser and try to view the page by just typing in the url, the picture shows up as a box that says "sponsored by angelfire". The picture I want is in the webshell and it works fine on the page as long as I am logged in. Help!
hi every1
Topic: Jokes & Fun
hi i'm Sakia, i'm 15 from the uk.
i'm into moterbikes love harley's!! Moto gp!! and i'm a rock music fan!! my fav bands are guns and roses,aerosmith,ac/dc,alice cooper,iron maiden,bon jovi!! any 1 want to talk?
email me on
hi, i'm Sakia, i''m 15 from britain, i'm into harley davidsons, moto gp!! i'm a rock music fan! i love guns and roses, ac/dc, aerosmith, alice cooper, green day, foo fighters, and bon jovi! any one want to talk? email me on
hi i'm new!!
hi i'm Sakia,
i'm new to angelfire! how do i talk to other people! coz i'm a british 15 year old that wants to make new mates!
Monday, 19 September 2005
Some see, Some don't?
not sure
Topic: FrontPage
We have five websites up and running under the same user a/c all built on frontpage. We can see all of them working fine from our pc but others can only view one or two. Most people can see our main site (but not all) Few can see our others or
Some days they can see them, some days they can't.
Whats wrong? Is it the server at fault or some sort of error we have made that allows some pc's to view the sites but others not to?
Does Angelfire have a technical help email addy?
Angelfire Site Maintenance
Topic: News
Ahoy, mayteys! Tonight, the Angelfire Team will be conducting some major maintenance to move the site from its current home in Santa Clara, CA to its new home in Boston, MA. From approximately 11:00 PM tonight to 3:00 AM Eastern, during the cutover, Angelfire users will be unable to edit their pages. At not time will visitors be unable to see your sites, but you will be unable to update them. Although we are not planning on it, there may be other problems related to the move or afterwards which will need to be fixed.
While the new site will look exactly like the old site, you should notice a performance increase with the site overall thanks to newer and better hardware across the board. This move also puts us in a better position to do more of the updates that we have been planning on doing but haven't been able to. (Finally doing something with the states, for example.)
If you see any problems tomorrow, please don't hesitate to comment here.
Sunday, 18 September 2005
S.O.S!!!! (two things in here)
OK, I have made a website and posted it on angelfire befor, and I don't like it any more, and I am changing the name of my website. This time I decided to make it on angelfire, since last time I made it on front-page, and it was hard to get it to go on angelfire. So I made a new username, and I clicked on the how-to and got help with the website, and it said that it is supposed to have to things under the file thing, one that says images, and one that says Index.htm, well, I have the Index.htm one, but I don't have the images, instead I have a bunch of little ones that just have letters. I NEED HELP!!!!!
And one other thing, is there a way, that when a person comes into my website, that I can have it play my theam song??? maby a owner type person could help???
Saturday, 17 September 2005
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: Image Questions
i want to build a site like somebody please mail me to telling how i can build it or he or she can even send me the file.
Topic: HTML Questions
Been trying all to make music files that can play off of my own network but can't.
Topic: HTML Questions
Been trying all day to make songs that I can play outside of my own network, but I can't.
your very own toolbar
go to this site and creat your very own toolbar for free and very easy set up..its cool
Wanting to purchase more disk space
don't ask
I have been trying for the last hour to purchase more disk space but it just links me to a error 404 page and it is driving me crazy. I tried a different route and it puts me on a page that allows me to purchase more disk space but I have to buy membership which I already have. Does anyone who works for angelfire be able to assist me here?
What to do after FTP?
on fire
Now Playing: system of a down 'metro'
I just FTP'd my dreamweaver site. I dont know what to do next. How do i get it on angelfire. as of right now it is just one page. I just want to do it with one page to get the idea to later create a full site. What do i do after FTPing my stie?please help
Friday, 16 September 2005
order forms
Topic: HTML Questions
can i set up an order form page on my web site, and if so, how do i do it? any help would be appreciated.
Wednesday, 14 September 2005
Posting Comments
Topic: HTML Questions
Is there a maximum amount of comments that can be submitted to a single entry?
Thank you.
Thursday, 8 September 2005
not sure
Topic: FrontPage
i got the site up and running. i wanted to create a list off to the side somwhere and i made the lists up. now the question is how on earth do i get it to actually show up on the site? i have tried editing and everything...short of deleting it all and starting over, i don't know how to do it...any ideas?
I built a site in 1997 on Angelfire and back then there was a submit button. In fact it would ask you if you were ready to submit all the time i cant find where to submit my site ..i am finsihed with it and need to get it going.. I put it on my older site and when you click to go to the new web site its not there so I ammassuming I need to have this submitted or so called released from Angelfire webshell ..
can someone email me the answer please at
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