activity logs
What time zone do you use for the activity logs?
trouble with images on my site
Topic: Image Questions
I have added pics to my site. I built dir and named it /images and put my pics in it. When I go to the web shell and click on the front page
All of the pics on all 6 pages work fine. But when I close the web shell page go to and go to the main url the pic on the front page is there buton all of the other5 pages there are only X’s in a box where the pic should be. But if I have the web shell page open in any way the main url still works with all the pics being there. I have tried refreshing my browser and below is how I have the pics on page two. Can anyone help. Thanks greytail
how do i put animations on my site
how do i put animations on my site????
possible domain name change
I was wondering is there a way to change my domain name without having to cancel the whole subscription?
help with setting up website
Topic: FrontPage
hello...i am new to angelfire, as well as new to the whole website building bit. im struggling right now to get my pages to link to my front page. you know, you go to the front page, you have several links to other pages? is there any way that someone would be interested in helping me out? thanks so much!
Now Playing: tv
hi i need help!!
i started a new website and im experimenting w/stuff. if u go on my site u can see that i made a scroll box.
im trying to make the text in the box a different color and bold and im doing all the html right but its not working 4 sum reason. its showing the html plus the text and idunno how to fix it. can some1 help me plz!!?
The Angelfire Team has released a major backend update to the site, though with some changes that you may be interested in:
1. Angelfire now allows Google Image Search to better index and correctly display images hosted on Angelfire free member sites.
2. We've upgraded our Microsoft FrontPage support to the most recent Service Pack. This may help with issues that some members are reporting, even though we have been unable to reproduce them here. This may enable more features in some versions of the FrontPage client... or probably not. (The client and server are both a bit of a "black box". We can test to ensure that it works, but have little visibility to know what features are different.)
3. Backend changes have been made to the way the homepage and My Account pages are displayed, plus in the way WebStats reports are generated, though there should not be any visible changes.
If you see any problems on the site today, especially with the components above, please let us know by responding in this thread.
Topic: HTML Questions
ACK!!! I JUST STARTED AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO! i want to put doujinshi on here and a few pics but i have no idea what the heck i'm doing here!!! i don't understand how to work the webshell thingy... >.< somebody anybody HELP!!!!! *SOB* (and i messed up my user name to can i fix that?)
Topic: HTML Questions
How do you configure Anglefire files to use PHP?
How do I add music?
Topic: HTML Questions
How do I add music to my site? I got a few codes, but how and where do I place them? Thanks!
How do I add music?
How do I add music to my site? I got a few codes but where do you put them so they will appear on the site?
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Topic: HTML Questions
Is there a way to add this? I remember we used to have this. It gets annoying that I have to log in everytime when I come back even when it says Im already logged in. Thanks
Topic: HTML Questions
can some one tell me how i can stream music from angelfire to xanga
not sure
Aloha Guys,
1. How--(BLOG)My pages & files accessible to visitors, how to create an index.html page that links to them?
2. Is there anyone can tell me how to create a "slide show" from Script Library to my website?
Mahalo and Aloha. Lisa
Now Playing: Puppy Love.
Hi Guys,
I just want to say how much I enjoy myself on here your like a breath of fresh air to everyone its just great to be part of this fab fab place also I am having so much fun blogging too.
Love Georgie.
Im a newbie had a question. I have a profile for myspace. A buddy of mine has some mp3's on his profile page. i asked him how he did that, and he said he uploaded them from angelfire. Wanted to know if anyone can help me out on this one
Thank You.
Now Playing: Puppy Love.
Hi Guys I wouled just like to say a big big thanks to every one who has helped me out here your angels.
Thanks again all the best and take care.
I was wondering if there was a way to make the ads on my/the web page as a pop-up.
There used to be that option a while ago when I was first using the sites, but now I can't find it so I'm wondering if it was taken away or hidden somewhere.
It would be pretty great to know and all.
Hi there ~ I'm a newbie!!! Just wondered if anyone here knows how to edit domain settings?? I try by going to angelfire assignment & it wants to know my angelfire directory ~ What is this??? I have tried all I know ~ nothing works!! Help anyone???
People Search - Nathan Manners of Florida
Topic: Jokes & Fun
I'm looking for someone I've known since Elementary school. We lost touch before leaving middle school. Does anyone have a clue? Thanks