
Avery big pop-up appears from time to time on my site..I don't like it. I want to get rid of it. But how? Any help! please.
« | April 2005 | » | ||||
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Friday, 1 April 2005 - 4:42 PM EST
Name: dallehI don't think angelfire is using popups any more. it could be embede in one of your scripts or you have an ad ware in your computer. try to use netscape for a while and see if that ad still pops.
Friday, 1 April 2005 - 6:13 PM EST
Name: mamagoo
that is not just a pop-up it is a site in a new window....LOL....
it is not from angelfire I think it is from some another script you have there, like dalleh said.....
you do have some php code script there to other things
such as this sudanese banner ad you have put there
not sure if it's that one or something else that you have added, but here is the pop-up page I got when I viewed your site without pop-up blocker on
so one of your additions there is causing it, it's not from angelfire ad's....
you should edit your favorite saying from Gear manager and change the text color. the text is black and so is your background so it's not visisble to read.....
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 12:30 AM EST
Name: mamagoo
here is your pop up window culprit this script you may have added this unintentionally you can find it just below your Array of day names script.....
I put this on my site and got the pop-up page that you are getting.......
SCRIPT LANGUAGE =" JavaScript" >
function changePage()
var f = document.forms.navigation;
var uri = f.pages.options[f.pages.selectedIndex].value;
newPage =
// These settings describe the pop-up browser
// window - you can edit them.,"NewPage","height=480,width=640,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,status=yes");
you have too many head and html tags on your page and I think you are trying to accomodate your scripts that call for head tag and body placement maybe???
although your page is loading ok in netscape and IE it may have problems with some browsers....
html page should have only one of each and closed tags only once.....
html >
head >
title >
body >
you have a lot java script going on there....:)
your background is black and I see code exposed when page is's the 'page function blinky code'
you don't see it because it is black text...
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 1:39 AM EST
Name: being a magooo
you would think that I'd have better things to do this time of morning...LOL.... but I have a one track mind!
it is not that script I don't think..(although I see no purpose for it there), it was a coinsidence then because I had never seen that pop-up page on my site before until I added that script (although angelfire 'does' have pop-up ad's, still) and when I added that code I got that same pop-up page as you...
I took the script out and I am still getting I thought I'd better clean my cookies and cache....
I just ran adaware and spybot also but I am still getting it....
it's a new window to this site:
..soooo....I either caught something that won't go away....LOL or it is suppose to be there.
You see I have a domain site at tripod and I don't observe my angelfire free site so much, and I also have pop-up blocker....... so I guess I better start paying attention before I reply about things like this......
so dalleh - what do you think....? other then I found out that angelfire still has pop-ups ad's....LOL
I am a magoooooo!
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 10:46 AM EST
Name: cw
If I had to make a guess about where that popup is coming from, I'd say it's your counter from Here is what they have to say in the terms and conditions about their counter.....
"If counter is abused or have to many hits per hour, banners or popups could appear."
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 10:58 AM EST
Name: dalleh
I use netscape all the time, so I am not sure about the popups. when i use IE they pop left and right some from sites and some from verizon my isp, it is hard to tell where they are coming from.
abusing a counter is a lovely condition, don't you think? :)
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 12:57 PM EST
Name: mamagoo
yes most likely something like that, doodle.
bravenet has a link-share php script that does that. patsy was getting that on her tripod page when she had the script there, only hers would open to a full size bravenet site window.
I returned to my angelfire free page again with IE later, after the last comment I made and didn't get any pop-ups....soooo geez it's hard to tell anymore where these things are coming from.
Just as long as I don't get that trojan and browser hijacker that I had back in december that was for sure a hard one to get rid of....LOL
Saturday, 2 April 2005 - 6:12 PM EST
Name: cwdalleh- lol. I like the part where you can get popups if you have too many hits. I wonder how many hits is too many? One? Two?. Glad I use Netscape, too. The pop up blocker is a wonderful thing :).