Friday, 25 February 2005 - 4:26 PM EST
They are working but if your on modem connection it will take a while before the download and start to stream in your defaault player....
I listened to these two:
this one is almost 4mb
this one is amlost 3mb
they are linked correctly and they play fine for me in windows media player, but I am on cable highspeed and they download in seconds. when the link you have for the mp3 is clicked it automatically starts to download to your browsers default media player.......
if you want it to play on a web page then you have to embed a player with html embed code on the page you want the player to back if you wnat that code...
If you are on modem connection then it will take many, many minutes to completley stream and play for you...
also if you are going to have many mp3's in your angelfile directory those huge files will take up directory allotment quickly.......
you might think about getting a converter to make your files smaller.....
DbPower Amp converter is a very good Free application
good luck