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Sunday, 11 June 2006

I have made my pictures the size of about 9k to 15k (thumbnails) on New York 2006 using marquee.
But in the picture album, can you tell me what kind of code to use so that my pictures will be seen as Bigger and Larger. Thank you in advance.

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 11:17 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 11 June 2006 - 3:18 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo

you will have to upload the larger size one for your photo album, Lisa. if a thumbnail size file is used that is the one that will display for actual size view.
and even if you could manipulate it to veiw larger it would be a lousy resolution because your taking the small size and making it look bigger, but does not produce a clear picture.

just the opposite occurs,
photo album will take the actual size one that you upload and display it as a thumbnail size for you. so that when you click to see actuall size it will show the larger actual size. it will use the same photo to do this. you don not need to have two sizes in photo album.

the ones your using in the marguee can stay as thumbnail size files. but don't use the thumbnail sized ones in photo album.

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