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Saturday, 21 January 2012
editing my website with iPad
Now Playing: URGENT: I need help!
I live in the sticks, and when I say the sticks, I mean the BOONTIES, the BACK FORTY, EAST get the picture. I'm in RURAL Oklahoma. We have LOUSY internet at my house. The only way I can connect is through my iPad. So, I'm trying to build my site using my iPad, but i can't figure out how to upload photos to my web page.
As my page is Artistic Temperament Designs, it would be no great leap of the imagination to realize that I'm going to want to post PICTURES of ART AND DESIGNS on my site.
Has anyone run into this problem before????? Can you give me advice or instructions? This is really putting me behind schedule and i'm very stressed.
Thank you.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Using FTP for my account isn't working
don't ask
Topic: HTML Questions
Small question. Is FTP Still not working for everybody? I can't login for some friggin reason.
I don't like the way Angelfire is communicating about these matters. They should have notified people through social media ect.
I don't think i am doing something wrong.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Can an individual have more than one web page through Angelfire?
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Topic: HTML Questions
Hi everyone,
Any help on this would be appreciated. After quite a bit of research, I was able to put a favicon on my website. That is working out just great but here is the problem.
When I make a shortcut for the website from my favorites menu, it doesn't fit the size. There is a big white background and the image is squeezed in the center. The Icon is big enough when I make a direct copy but for some reason the web Icon is too small. Is this just how Angelfire's Icon's look or am I doing something wrong?
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
How long does it take for your site to go up once you publish it? I published mine last night, and it still doesn't work. :(
Saturday, 14 January 2012
embed sound on web page!
Hello Angelfire Team, can you tell me how to embed sound on my web page.
I already have uploaded songs in a file called “Music_Website”.
Thank you!
Friday, 13 January 2012
500 errors cgi error
Topic: CGI scripts
CGI 500 error can occur when the disc space hasall been used.
'We couldn't find the page you requested'
The limit for free accounts is 20mb, and when reached a 500 error occurs.
Click the 'Home' tab to see disk usage.
If some space is made by deleting before uploading, the error goes away.
How do you edit the paragraphs in Images...not the captions..
but the actually paragraph which describes what the page is about.
I am able to get to the individual pictures, the captions and edit both, IF I WANTED, BUT...I can't edit the description paragraph which is at the top/right of the page.
Anyone know how to get there, and please, for "dummies" because I've searched everything, one said to go to the edit function for the pictures, but all I get is:
<!--#include virtual="/bin/photo/view" -->
That's it, there's nothing at all to edit!!
This is the page, but there isn't even anything on there to allow me to "edit" while I'm in the site.
And this is the part I'm trying to edit:
Dottie is my mare shetland, my first one I'd gotten. She is the mother of Shadow and Mercedes. She has shown at Nationals, Regionals, and Boone County and won many Reserve Grand Champions and Grand Champions as well as top blues. She hasn't driven since she went through a fence (before I bought her), but maybe one day she will again.
Please, can someone help me out? Thank you!
Rhiannon's Pages
Now Playing: My Web Pages
Topic: News
Okay...I have two pages and the urls are: and so if Google is not indexing then find them here
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Rhiannonsvoice web page
Now Playing: My Web Page
Google only lists my page in the Help section of come take a look at my page....Rhiannonsvoice....Welcome
Not online
Ok...last prob....not listed on search what's the point of creating the page?
Page Not Loading New Edit Changes
It appears that I have many views of my page and I do not know which is correct! I have added pages 2 and 3 and they do not appear on the completed page, but only on the edit page. On the edit page, I have a guest book but not on the real finished page. As it is, I do not know if any changes are happening after edit. HELP?
Problem - Need Help
don't ask
Every time I try to go to the help page it says that I am not a user on this portal. Angelfire says that I have not provided enough information. However, I have a web page, but it is not on the web and yet I have 8 viewers. (?) What is going on? I am either an Angelfire member, or not a member?
Sunday, 1 January 2012
No FTP connection
Topic: HTML Questions
Please inform us of when FTP will be available for use to clients in Austraia?
Sunday, 25 December 2011
videos on blog
any advice on how to embed a youtube video to my blog? I have tried both youtube scripts and nothing works.
Also, I have tried to upload videos (48 s), but it says my file is too large. What size is allowed?
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Now Playing: ftp
Topic: News
My ftp started to work today..but its limiting my upload size??? its never done this before..please help
Monday, 19 December 2011
Update: FTP Outage and Denial of Service Attack
My name is Chris, and I'm the general manager for Angelfire and Tripod. As some of you are aware, FTP is currently unavailable. I wanted to explain what's happened, why, and what we're doing next.
Angelfire was hit by denial of service attack early yesterday morning. Thanks to security measures we have in place, no member accounts were violated, and no Angelfire sites were harmed. However, the force of the attack did cause us to take certain parts of Angelfire offline, including FTP, which was the main focus of the attack.
We've been working through the night, and will continue working today, to restore full service to everyone. Thank you for your patience as we restore service, and for your patronage.
As soon as we have an ETA on restoring full service, we will let you know.
Chris Cummings
General Manager
How much space
accident prone
Now Playing: How much space
How can I find out how much space I am useing on my web page?
Sunday, 18 December 2011
FTP Problems?
Is FTP working? I've been using Filezilla without a problem for several years but today I've been getting the "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server" error. I've tried several angelfire FTP accounts from two different PCs (both running Windows 7), all with the same result. Other FTP sites work OK. Disabling windows firewall and my antivirus software had no effect. Anyone else with this problem?
Monday, 12 December 2011
Bringing my webpage into the 21st Century??
Hi everyone from Chrissy the Stooges Woman!
I'm writing this because I need help! I'm old and crotchety and created my fabulous almost-award-winning web page, "Women Who Run With the Stooges" (, back when I was younger and less crotchety.
Now I'm giving serious thought to completely redoing it and bringing it into the 21st century.
But - how?? Is there some easy way to do it or am I doomed to spend days and weeks and months transferring files and links and writing code and cursing and drinking (basically all the same stuff I did when I originally created it, nyuk nyuk!)?
Any suggestions/comments/help MUCH appreciated! Thanks!!
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