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Saturday, 26 January 2008
Custom HTML Boxes
Topic: HTML Questions

Creating a blog questions: 

1. Can you put a customized banner on your blog -- where would I find that feature to do that? 

2. Are there any HTML boxes to put blinkies, widgets, graphics or counters in on the sidebar?  I don't seem to see any so where should I look?  Or are all templates fixed and this is not available?

Suggestion:  A link on the blogs to this help blog or on the manage control page would be nice.

Thank you.

Posted by art2/paper_picasso at 6:42 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (7) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 27 January 2008 - 7:40 PM EST

Name: "dalleh"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

login to the blog manager look for Advanced Customization button
select the main page layout and click edit
look the bottom part of the code

<div id="center">
    <div class="divide">
      <span class="blogTitle"><BLOG_VAR BLOG_TITLE></span>
(Put your banner or code here to show at the top)
(Put your banner or code here to show at the bottom)

Monday, 28 January 2008 - 5:09 PM EST

Name: "cw"

to add widgets to the sidebar, again use the adv cust. templates. The code will go in the section for the sidebar which should also be on the main page layout (index.btpl) template. Without looking at the template myself, you'll know the section when you see it as there are about five bracketed components with names like


You'll need to watch the width of whatever you put in that sidepanel ( like an image) or it will stretch out the layout. You may then need to adjust the CSS layout positioning. 

If your blog has an rss feed, then make sure your added code is xml compliant, meaning all tags properly closed including line breaks (which can be written as <br />in xml)


Tuesday, 29 January 2008 - 11:10 PM EST

Name: "anon"

Thanks for that info.

another newbie question --

<title><BLOG_VAR BLOG_TITLE></title>

Can You fill in the title of your blog here between the title tags since it is before the css code?

Wednesday, 30 January 2008 - 2:06 PM EST

Name: "cw"

yes. just replace <BLOG_VAR BLOG_TITLE> with the actual title.... but the net effect is the same as just naming the blog from the blog manager. The actual title will display either way when the page is dynamically generated  in case you were somehow worried about search engines being able to read your title or something.

If you place your title in the blog template you will not be able to then change it from the blog manager. It will only be changeable from the template. I just mention that in passing.

Sunday, 23 March 2008 - 1:31 AM EDT

Name: "?"
Home Page: http://?

You can use the <Marquee> tag to add a scrolling message.

Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 4:20 PM EDT

Name: "javascript"
Home Page: http://javascript-lesson.blogspot.com

Html Attribute for <MARQUEE ...> -- Marquee Slide Image and Text ---

Sunday, 27 July 2008 - 1:12 AM EDT

Name: "sezer"
Home Page: http://non-reciprocal.blogspot.com

HI i need your help i really want to create my own website/web page but i dont know how to go about doing it so can you please help me out

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