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Thursday, 24 January 2008
Hello Angelfire Team,
i made a webpage name: c_2008_ChineseNY.html inside /08_ChineseNY(4k).1.24.2008. After i added the pictures gallery ---JAS_CNY.JS (scripts) to the page, i cann't see the BACKGROUND image.
Please help and check for me!
Thank you very much.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Web Page with Password Required
I am working to create a web page that when accessed a password is required. Can I do this in Angelfire? Also, the people that access would of course need a password. There has to be ways to have then register for a password and review the data they submit when requesting a password?
Changing from free site to domain name in Angelfire
I am considering upgrading my site from the free Angelfire service to my own domain name. Will I be able to make changes to my site the same way with Web Shell?
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Why are my links no longer appearing
Topic: HTML Questions
Recently, I have been trying to add some new links to my pages, but after I save the page, and then view it, in either firefox or explorer, all it has is the text, not the link. This is a very recent problem.
A recent example is
I have the following in my webshell:
<a herf="" target="_blank"> myspace vids</a><BR>
myspace vids is the only thing that actually shows up. Why is this?
<a href="" target="_blank">
which is something from a while back, works ok. Why the sudden change?
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Looking for HTML code
Topic: HTML Questions
I'm looking for a HTML code for a mini calender for my website, can anyone help please?
Monday, 7 January 2008
red x problem
I have my main webpage setup fine in webshell and the preview looks great but when i view the actual page on the internet i get a black box where the pic is supposed to be. My picture is in the top level (same as index.html) and has no signs (!@#$$%) in it. Dont know what to do???
Monday, 31 December 2007
Goodbye Angelfire
Just wanted to drop by and say farewell all. My hobbie days of webpage building are over, and I've learned a lot while hosting my site on Angelfire. It's a great place for begginers to learn how to build a first website, and a good place to tinker with your html if you're more experienced. There have been ups, and downs while hosting my site here, and as strange as it seems, leaving is bitter sweet. Yep, oddly enough I'm going to miss this place ;) Take everyone, and Happy New Year!! ~Daymon
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Sending an image from my domain e-mail
I'm trying to send a jpeg image in the body of an e-mail from my domain e-mail address. When trying to send it via my normal personal e-mail address, it worked with no problem. When trying to put the same image in the body of an e-mail sent from my domain e-mail, the image doesn't show up. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Happy New Year to ALL.
Hi Angelfire Team,
The music disappeared on my index.html and 2007_Christmal.html and lisawebsite.html??? PLEASE check theme for me!
Thanks in advance.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Daymon's Wish List - Feature Request
Pro Hosting Option ;)
PHP Support
Updated script library
Optional Dedicated server, and or IP
Tools, tools, aps, and more tools.
I've been a good boy all year, Angelfire! Got any goodies for us this year?
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
saving a backup of blog or switching to new blog
Does anyone know how to save a backup of a blog? I don't want to lose four years worth of work. Also, I was thinking of switching to a new blog name and switching all the posts over to it but not sure how. Can I rename it not lose my work?
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Comment problems??
I continue to have comment problems on my blog. Is this a problem throughout angelfire right now? People who visit can't even get the comment box to pop up lately.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Angry with Angelfire Support
I submitted a support ticket on Thu, 29th Nov 2007 with the following inquiry: "I cannot change my blog to show only one entry. I asked about it in the Angelfire Club Blog, but everyone says it is impossible because Angelfire has not fixed it yet. I need it fixed."
On the same day I tried to contact Angelfire support through chat in the help section, because I have a premium account. I got no answer there, so I submitted a support ticket.
It has now been 15 days with no answer from Angelfire, or Lycos. I'm a paying customer of two years, and you owe me better treatment than this, Angelfire. I am beyond angry, and I want my problems addressed in a timely manner. 15 days is unacceptable.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
new domain name/ connecting problems to angelfire page
Topic: HTML Questions
I've recently re-newed my domain name ( to which I've had my free Angelfire page (nd/garygaetti) "connected to". The angelfire page still loads properly but my domain name page loads the background and text but not the pictures or sound. Under "my account", the domain shows that it points to my angelfire page. It been close to 2 weeks since I've re-newed the domain name......things should be working properly but they're not. Angelfire/Lycos support is incredibly poor.....looking for outside help on this one!!!!
Friday, 7 December 2007
can i arrange blog topics by date instead of alphabetical?
Is there a code i can use to make my topics appear as newest to oldest, instead of alphabetical?
loading the club blog page
Now Playing: The Wizard of OZ
Topic: News
You will read this Entry at somepoint, that's only if you don't get a proxy or no server error page or if you waited long enough after you just see the blog header and navigation but no content. :(
Just want to say that if you get any of these errors, use the Refresh F5 and it may take several times. It's been a huge incovenience at Tripod and AF this past week. Lets hope they get it fixed soon.
The page either loads the content very slow or no page at all. "Try to be persisitent with the refresh. I am on broadband so it may work more quickly for me then those on slower connections.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
PLEASE Help with my music file!!!
i put the code on the file named: copy_of_index.html(3k)12/06/2007
The music code i put on the bottom of the page doesn't work!!!
Thanks in advance!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Topic: Image Questions
Someone please help me. When I store my images in the top level directory, people have no problem viewing my site and seeing my images. But having them there is a complete mess. So I stored them in my image directory so it would be more organised. But when I did that, anyone visiting my site can't see the images. And if I go to my site without logging into my angelfire webshell. a little box pops up saying the angelfire server requires my user name and password. I changed the html code to images/mypicture like the how to section said to do. But it didn't help. Can someone please tell me what I should or should not have done to fix this problem? I'm begging you. Thanks.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Topic: HTML Questions
I am trying to load a web page for my class but i cant seem to get any of the links to work. I got my front page to load and work, but i cant seems to any of the links to work. I also cant get any of my images to load.... help please
Sunday, 2 December 2007
how can i put a link on my site that will open a wedding video
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