Tuesday, 4 December 2007 - 1:13 PM EST
many many things wrong.
First, convert your MS word doc to html to strip out all the MS Word code that has no relevance to the web before uploading the code. MS word is meant for desktop publishing not web sites.
Images- .bmp is not a web format. Web image formats are .jpg, .gif and .png. BMP may not display in all browsers. When your bmps are are converted to an appropriate web format, upload them. Your file path says they are located in a subfolder (subdirectory) called "home[page_files". Create the subdirectory at your account and upload the images into it that belong there.
Files used on the web can't be named with spaces. Many of your linked files contain spaces in their names. The 520 means a space in the name as in your link code below.....
<a href="../Tourism%20in%20Honduras.docx">
Rename the files and rewrite the links.
.docx is NOT a web file format. Visitors may not be able to open them even if your link eventually works.