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Saturday, 27 October 2007
Trying to link to an erroneous web page
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions

   I'm sorry, but because the word verification box is not accessible to blind people I can't directly reply to your posts. So we're having some miscommunication here, apparently because you don't remember what was posted last. So this time I copied and pasted our last communication below.

   In response: Yes, I did refresh my browser after fixing the links. I am trying to link to specific pages on the www.cccturtle.org website. The URL's I am using to link to them are on this page of my website in the sea turtles section:


   None of the URL I am trying to link to under the sea turtle heading work. They don't work on other websites (not mine) either, but I know the pages exist because I can go to www.cccturtle.org and click on it and it works. So I'm wondering if it could have some kind of security?



   You're right, I didn't see that...None of the links were correct--as I copied and pasted they had somehow lost the php? and were replaced with ...

   I corrected them, but they still don't work right. Now it will actually go to the CCCturtle.org website (where before I just got the Error 404 message)
but there on CCCturtle.org it says "page not found". However, I KNOW that page still exists because you can go directly to www.cccturtle.org and click
a link on any of those sea turtles and the page will come up fine then.

   As I said before, I've noticed that this very same link does not work on any other website, I have to go directly there from cccturtle.org's home page.
I can't even type the address into my web browser's address bar. Could there be some type of security blocking me?

Posted by turtlestruebiz at 8:54 AM EDT |
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Friday, 5 October 2007 - 7:46 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

where are the links on your site, what is the url, it is hard for me to look all over your site for the links, also after fixing the links did you reload
your browser before clicking on the links.


Posted by turtlestruebiz at 7:07 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 27 October 2007 - 9:50 PM EDT

Name: "dalleh"

one more time

This is the real link 


This is what you have on your page


you cannot change information to info,  check all your links or maybe the webmaster of that site is updating the site often, moving things around.


Monday, 29 October 2007 - 3:06 PM EDT

Name: "cw"

Since you have vision problems here's a tip for posting to this blog - If you log into your AF account or into this blog first, you will not need to use a verification code to post a comment. In fact, you should not even be given one.

hope that helps 

Tuesday, 30 October 2007 - 1:04 PM EDT

Name: "Rocio"
Home Page: http://www.cccturtle.org

i came across your post and contacted our IT department. Please check if the problem has been solved. You are welcome to email me with any other questions regarding your problem, if it is not fixed.

Thank you forheliping contribute to sea turtle conservation!

Friday, 25 January 2008 - 6:06 PM EST

Name: "Denn Frist"
Home Page: http://cheapcialis.in/dir/links.php

Since you have vision problems here's a tip for posting to this blog - If you log into your AF account or into this blog first, you will not need to use a verification code to post a comment. In fact, you should not even be given one.

thanx for helps

Thursday, 22 May 2008 - 1:43 PM EDT

Name: "Jerry T"
Home Page: http://wildsextricks.com/

Great post

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