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Friday, 5 October 2007
Trying to link to an erroneous web address revisited
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: HTML Questions

   You're right, I didn't see that...None of the links were correct--as I copied and pasted they had somehow lost the php? and were replaced with ...

   I corrected them, but they still don't work right. Now it will actually go to the CCCturtle.org website (where before I just got the Error 404 message) but there on CCCturtle.org it says "page not found". However, I KNOW that page still exists because you can go directly to www.cccturtle.org and click a link on any of those sea turtles and the page will come up fine then.

   As I said before, I've noticed that this very same link does not work on any other website, I have to go directly there from cccturtle.org's home page. I can't even type the address into my web browser's address bar. Could there be some type of security blocking me?

Posted by turtlestruebiz at 8:54 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 5 October 2007 - 7:46 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

where are the links on your site, what is the url, it is hard for me to look all over your site for the links, also after fixing the links did you reload your browser before clicking on the links.

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