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Sunday, 19 August 2007
linking to files in a different folder
Mood:  lazy
Topic: HTML Questions
I know the basics of linking to a file, but got stuck on this one...I keep missing little things *wink* Anyway, I have a sounds subfolder and a books subfolder in my main turtlestruebiz folder. I want to have a file inside my books subfolder link to a file inside my sounds subfolder..... I know how to link to a file in a subfolder inside the folder the file is in, but how do I make the link go up one level? For example, instead of going from turtlestruebiz to books (in which case I'd link to it as books/file.html) I need to go from books to turtlestruebiz and over to a different subfolder. How would I write that?

Posted by turtlestruebiz at 11:21 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 20 August 2007 - 8:48 PM EDT

Name: "dalleh"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

here how it goes

if you want to link  to file in the books subdirectory ( in the same  subdirectory )  ./file.html

you want to link from a subdirectory to the top directory like from books to the index.html in the main director  


one dot to the same level 2 dots to the upper level 

 a link from the books subdirectory to the main index page

<a href=../index.html> Home page </a> 


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