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Friday, 15 June 2007
Front Page Form Failure
Topic: FrontPage
1. Using Frontpage 2003 & windows XP.
I have created a form on my ‘Request Service’
page, which I want to have visitors fill out and then have it e-mailed to me when submitted. The form works fine when testing directly from the page by accessing it at
(That is that it does send the form to me
via e-mail and takes visitor to the completion
page.) However, when accessed from within the
web site’s structure it fails for send the form and
sends the users to an error page.
2. I've tried contacting Angelfire help and support and haven't heard a thing from them in 2 weeks other than they got my request. What's up with support?

Any suggestions as to how to
correct this problem?

Posted by planet/akoilchange at 7:41 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (13) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 15 June 2007 - 10:30 AM EDT

Name: planet/akoilchange

correction..the direct address to the form page is:


It works properly for me by going directly to the above address but fails when accessed from within the web site www.akoilchange.com

Friday, 15 June 2007 - 8:11 PM EDT

try to disable and enable front page

Friday, 15 June 2007 - 8:47 PM EDT

Name: planet/akoilchange

I have disabled and re-enabled Frontpage, didn't help :-(
Any more suggestions?

Friday, 15 June 2007 - 9:47 PM EDT

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.lycos.com/build/scriptlib/form.tmp

try this form


it works fix it the way you want it.

Sunday, 17 June 2007 - 11:12 AM EDT

Name: cw

If it works from the live page as a visitor would be expected to do, what's the problem?

What do you mean by "when accessed from within the web site's structure"? How exactly are you accessing?

Sunday, 17 June 2007 - 8:27 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

the form works from this page

it does not work from this one

Sunday, 17 June 2007 - 9:00 PM EDT

Name: cw

I can see what the problem is but don't know how to fix it. Looks like the FP files to run the form can't be accessed from this URL file path....


but this URL is a valid file path.....


Which URL format will you be using? Can you publish to that address? Or can you add an absolute file path to your form processor using FP? (ex.. https://www.angelfire.com/planet/akoilchange/_vti_bin/yadayada)

Sunday, 17 June 2007 - 10:42 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

disable and enable did not work. it worth a try angelfire full address.

Monday, 18 June 2007 - 4:43 PM EDT

Name: planet/akoilchange

I think you've got me on the right path. BUT..In exploring your observations I noticed that I may have published to angelfire.com rather than frontpage.angelfire.com, so I'll clear the slate and try republishing to the frontpage.angefire directory and see if that works. If not I'll have to play with the setting up an absolute file path. (probably take me a few days to work on it but I'll post a note to let folks know what may or may not work :-)

Monday, 18 June 2007 - 5:30 PM EDT

Name: planet/akoilchange

okay, the site is published to http://frontpage.angelfire.com/planet/akoilchange/ , which is the address Angelfire says to publish to from FP. Still no luck. Now I'm not sure if I can modify the form processor using FP or not. Where do I look or what do I look for? Heck, I can't even find https://www.angelfire.com/planet/akoilchange/_vti_bin/ and I've got the site set to view hidden files and folders?

Thanks Again!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007 - 10:18 AM EDT

Name: cw

I am not an FP or even a Windows user so I won't be much help. But I think this is a problem from the AF end. In my opinion that page should work from either URL because the reference to the vti bin is written as a relative path and you have a lycos domain.

the vti folders hold the FP extensions. Those folders should be visible from the web shell.

this page exists in your vti bin.....


yet the same page is not reachable from your domain name and I think it should be......


And that's the problem I think. The vti bin containing the extensions is not being found and accessed from your domain name URL.

What version of FP are you using?

I'm going to see if I can get someone at AF to look into this. No promises that anyone will even answer me but it never hurts to ask. I''ll get back to you here asap.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007 - 12:35 PM EDT

Name: cw

I wrote them and we'll just have to wait and see. Have to apologize for asking you questions you've already answered and not really reading the first posts you left. I should probably seek a gov't job lol.

I see you already mentioned FP 2003. I'm pretty sure your extensions are enabled because the form processes from the AF URL. I submitted a few test ones. Did you get them?

There's one file I think that should be at your account and I can't reach it when trying to access it from either of your URLs. I get error pages that say it isn't there. It's the html file that confirms the FP extensions that are enabled. That file name is _vti_inf.html and should be located in your main directory. Did you delete any files from your web shell that might have looked like that?


I think that's a pretty standard file FP writes in all it's versions and really should be there and reachable from the above URLs.

So again double check that your FPextensions are enabled and I will get back to you if I get an answer to my inquiry.

Saturday, 23 June 2007 - 10:57 AM EDT

Name: planet/akoilchange

I can't find _vti_inf.html I disabled and re-enabled FP a couple of times, which doesn't look like it did anything. With the underscore leading the file name it is a 'reserved' file name which AF won't let me create.

Looks like I got a couple of test requests, at least one from you.

I've been thinking it's an Angelfire issues, which is where I starting trying to trouble shoot the problem but didn't have much luck in getting any support from them. What's up with AF support? (I've set up other sites for people using AF but am starting to have doubts about continuing to recommend using AF.)

Let me know if you have any other suggestions or if AF responds to you.

I'm setting this site up for a buddy who's starting the business. I added an e-mail link to me in the page footer, I would be Kent at KAK Designs.

Thanks Again!!!!

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