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Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Blog Manager Page is Empty
Hi Bloggers. I have a blog that has been active for two years. Two days ago it stopped showing up in my Blog Manager. (The blog manager screen only shows "Create New Blog".) The blog still exists and I can add entries to it by clicking on "Quick Post" on my main page, but since I can't use the blog manager I can't edit, etc. I've written to angelfire about this and they sent me one of those quick fix "how to create a blog" instructions. Has anyone had this problem w/ the blog manager? My account is active and I have plenty of disk space, etc. thanks, Lisa ljarnot@gmail.com

Posted by lisa jarnot at 8:39 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 29 November 2006 - 12:34 PM EST

Name: cw

lisa- thinking i might have a way to help you, I logged into my own blog manager only to discover the same thing! Since I had nothing to lose, I went and created a new blog called "lost" lol. And miraculously, the rest of my blogs showed up in my blog manager after saving the "lost" blog. So try that. Just make sure to name the blog uniquely and publish it to a new subdirectory that is different from any other in your account. Do not publish the new blog to a directory called "blog" as that is where your current blog is now and it would be overwritten/erased.

If your blog list still fails to display after creating a new and unique blog then post back. I still have another trick that might work.

hope that helps

Wednesday, 29 November 2006 - 10:26 PM EST

Name: al4/cheapest-service

I also had that happen but everything was back to normal after a couple of hours.

Saturday, 2 December 2006 - 9:11 AM EST

Name: poetry/lisajarnot

hi cw,

still not working-- the angelfire folks say they're working on it, but no news from them yet.

another trick? I'm up for it!


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