
Topic: HTML Questions
Hey people,
Sorry if am butting in, but I need urgent help.
I am trying to put up images of E-cards I have made for my sister's wedding. I am new to building and used HotDog professional to get the code. Now, when I'd view the HTML page I made with it on my comp, it would display the images. But I tried e-mailing it to myself to test it, and the images weren't opening kept showing the annoying cross on the top left.
THEN I thot of Angelfire and came here, but I dunno what is it that I am doing wrong. I uploaded that HTML file and made a folder : Images, and uploaded the JPEGS in images. Still not working. It doesn't even show it in the preview here. I tried the images in the root as well, that ain't working either.
I even tried changing the path of the images from the path on my comp to the path of our directories on angelfire with AND without "" bit before the path. No go. :-(
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME ASAP.....?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!