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Monday, 26 June 2006
Blog posting
Mood:  blue
I recently posted to my blog under a certain category. When I went to take a look at the post it did not show the post on the main page....only under the category I posted to. Arent the newest posts supposed to show up on the main page? I ended up having to post under (no category) to get it to show up. I also noticed when someone clicks the "post to this blog" link regardless of being signed in or not are sent to a page that reads: You are no longer have posting permission in this community. #1 its you no longer have...not you are no longer have, secondly, I want anyone, especially my sites visitors to be able to post their thoughts and comments without signing up for an angelfire account.....if they sign up for anything I want it to be something I am offering, not something Angelfire offers, since I have a paid account. With this mess, what is the point of blogging? Angelfire sees their blogging software as a tool for signing up more members, which is fine and even practical for a free account. Not so for paid accounts.

Posted by Daymon at 3:42 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 27 June 2006 - 10:48 AM EDT

Name: cw

Can't say what you're own posting problem is caused by. Your new entry should have shown on the main page. Did you reload the main page after posting the entry? The old page may also have been cached by your browser so clearing cache may also help before reloading.

Re your other ?, for what it's worth, there are few blogs or message boards that allow anonymous entry or comment posting. Generally, you must be a member or at least registered with someone somewhere. One thing that protects against is spamming.

If the blog format doesn't suit your needs, look for something else that can be used here. You aren't forced to use the AF blog format. You might find a third party hosted message board that can be incorporated into your AF site.

Tuesday, 27 June 2006 - 3:13 PM EDT

Name: al4/cheapest-service

Yes, I cleared the cache, and browsing history. It showed up under the category, just not the main page, was trying to figgure out why before posting more entries.

I did notice that visitors cannot post a new thread to the blog; however, they can post a comment, which is really what I was looking for so I'm good there. Now if I can just get this category posting problem licked I'll be in good shape.

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