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Monday, 28 November 2005
Pages wackey
Topic: HTML Questions
My husband and I have had our website on Angelfire since 1997 and are premium members.

About last week, we noticed that some of our webpages are missing from our shell directory, and images are not appearing on the few pages that do work.

Is anyone else having this problem?


Posted by ct/deerwhorns at 2:23 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 28 November 2005 - 5:38 AM EST

Name: tom

Thankfully, I haven't had any such experience as yet;
but, I just wanted to mention, that if you
happen to be missing any html files, you will be able
to reconstruct your pages by accessing 'source' of the
'google cache' URLs listed, when you search the following:

site:www.angelfire.com ct/deerwhorns

I am sure that you will receive some message
concerning this issue from JP. I would suggest
that you post another message on his recent
Angelfire update....this could have something
to do with that.

He wrote: "The account "conversion" which I mentioned in the last update is still ongoing and if you see anything weird with your accounts, please let us know. "

Monday, 28 November 2005 - 8:40 AM EST

Name: jrp34

Thus far, we have *only* converted 'ct' members. And, during that conversion, some errors happened with a small number of accounts. (We're talking maybe a couple dozen accounts showed this error, at most. And, of those that were affected, most were just downgraded to free for a day. Some subset of those actually lost files.)

Please send an email to customer service via the help form and that will get you on the "affected customer" list for this problem. Alternatively, one of the CS folks may find this thread here and add you to it themselves and send you an email.

The Google cache suggestion is a good one though, to help you recover your content. :/


Monday, 28 November 2005 - 11:53 AM EST

Name: cw

Many older copies of your pages can also be recovered from webarchive.org. They list about 20 pages cached from Nov 2004.

Tuesday, 29 November 2005 - 1:57 AM EST

Name: Nancy Deer With Horns

Thanks so much for webarchive.org. I am going to check it now.

I backed up most of my webpages and was able to upload them with ftp.

Thanks again.

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