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Thursday, 25 August 2005
need help
Topic: HTML Questions
i need help in creating a new home page so that its not so crowded..but iv really never made a site on my own really..iv really only looked at other sites and see how they have done it and when from there.. but the thing is, is that i also want everything that i have on my page right now on my new page.. having troubling thoughts about it.. and plus i still dont get how to do the framesets for a page.. i mean i get how the code is used and all but i mean ware do i put the links of the pages that i want and how to set them..and also for them to show up the right way on my page...anyone???

Posted by hero/jeb2004 at 10:02 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 7 October 2005 - 5:41 PM EDT

Name: ca/sanmateoissues
Home Page: http://go.to/QUFD

I just couldn't figure out how to Post to this Community!
I've had an Angelfire Website since about 1991. Now, just the other day, I think I created a BLOG for the first time ever, using Angelfire. I clicked on the Blog Builder, filled everything in for an ENTRY, then filled everything in for POST.
Now where did that blog go? I haven't seen it! Taking your recommendations, I downloaded FeedReader and installed it. But it wants to be 'set up' with a 'feedURL'. WHAT is the 'feedURL' (RSS feed) URL for viewing my Blog on Angelfire? I can view my blog in MSIE6.0 by using my complete website address followed by /blog/, but that URL is not acceptable to FeedReader, nor is http://blog.angelfire.lycos.com! How can I see my blog, in the RSS feed that is seen/distributed to everybody else, on my FeedReader?
PLUS, it seems I now have another website problem, that I cannot find an answer for in FAQ. Since Posting my blog, from my Angelfire Webshell, I CAN NO LONGER VIEW the Directory/File data in my Webshell! I can login to the Webshell fine, but all the major parts of the Webshell Page ARE BLANK... NO Dir/File DATA shown!
I also have a Tripod Account and I went back and clicked on a 'LOGOUT from the entire Lycos NETWORK link' that they gave me, but that did not help either! I can still LogIn to my Angelfire WebShell, but NO Dir/Files are shown!
2. Missing Dir/File data in my Webshell

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