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Friday, 5 August 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: http://angelfire.com/punk5/whatever1
any one find a tutorial on hotspots / image maps?

Posted by punk at 1:56 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 6 August 2005 - 6:43 AM EDT

Name: cw
Home Page: http://www.ihip.com/tools.html

Image maps are usually made with special software. The mapping coordinates would be pretty hard to figure out without special tools.

Here's a link to a map maker that looks inexpensive http://www.boutell.com/mapedit/ I haven't used this myself since my page builder includes an image map maker. Link above is to some other tools.

Short of a mapmaker, you could also carefully slice your image into equal sections using an image editor, insert sections into the cells of a borderless table with no cell spacing or padding and assign each image section it's own link as needed.

Saturday, 6 August 2005 - 4:07 PM EDT

Name: punk5/whatever1

thank u.

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