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Friday, 29 July 2005
New and Curious
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: FrontPage
I'm new and trying to figure out something. I went to Edit my html code, I viewed it, it looked right and pushed the save button. How come when I visit the site it still just says angelfire all over it? Am I not saving it correctly or is there a period of time I must wait before I see the work? Please help.

Posted by band3/dichroi at 5:19 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 30 July 2005 - 1:00 AM EDT

Name: tom

In order for your page to show up @ URL:
you must first save the page as INDEX.HTML

There is no waiting period, the page is immediately

Saturday, 30 July 2005 - 2:28 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo

tom I wanted to say that the poster should use the lower case letters...

but the poster already has an index.html page, but it is the default angelfire homepage

poster, if you started your homepage as another name such as:
myhomepage.html you will have to 'rename' that to
index.html (all lower case) and it will overwrite the default angelfire index.html page

your angelfire name URL right now is defaulting to the angelfire default index.html page. once you re-name your homepage that you built to index.html your angelfire url work....

Saturday, 30 July 2005 - 4:56 PM EDT

Name: band3/dichroi

thanks a bunch!

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