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Sunday, 3 July 2005
Help... Please... :-S
Mood:  not sure
Topic: HTML Questions
Hey everybody,

well... i'm new here to angelfire... and i was wondering how is it possible to post up music videos or even just the audio files up on my page... i'm trying to post music up on my page so that i can link it over to my myspace page... if anyone could help... it would be greatly appreciated... thanks for your time... oh... and my email address is boondock_saint_51@hotmail.com... cuz... well... i'm not really sure if i can get back onto this page... thanks...

~Peter Parker

Posted by ia3/liyahz_lover_8082 at 6:13 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 3 July 2005 - 11:58 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo

upload the files to your web shell and then write a clickable text link or icon on your angelfire web page to navigate to the media file.
such as:
<a href="mysong.mp3">Mp3 Song

audio and video file links, when clicked, will open in the visitors default browser player

if using an embedded Player on your angelfire page there is code for that

from your myspace page just write a link back to your angelfire page, "BUT" do not use the media files from angelfire web shell to "embed" them into a page over at my space server to use there....
that would be remote loading and it's not allowed on free angelfire accounts.....

do not use your agelfire account to just store files you need to have your web site pages here and then have a link back to your angelfire site on your myspace page..... the reason I'm saying that is because it does not look like you have started your web page here yet...you still have the angelfire default page......

we don't do e-mail responses so your best bet is to add the angelfire club to your browser bookmarks......

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