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Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Mood:  irritated
Hello fellow Angelfire members! I am the co-founder of the CURE Bears project, which supports the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I started this page to help get the word about the project out, but I CANNOT FIGURE IT OUT. I had an Angelfire page a long time ago and it was a piece of cake once I learned basic html but I am so CONFUSED with this one. In my old site when I entered my web shell the only two things I saw were index.html and /images but now I see NEITHER of those and all I see are /_private, /_vti_bin, /_vti_cnf, and stuff like that and I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!! Could someone please help me. If you could explain this to me I would appreciate it very much. My email is glamourgurl68@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance for your help!


Posted by sc3/curebears at 10:08 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 7 June 2005 - 11:24 PM EDT

Name: cw

/_private, /_vti_bin, /_vti_cnf, are folders needed for those who use FrontPage, a popular web page builder. Just ignore them if you aren't using FrontPage. You can even delete them if they're too confusing. All new AF accounts are FP enabled by default. FP enabled means you get all those strange folders in your webshell.

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