When I first strarted my Angelfire page, way back in 1999, before the merger with Lycos, I read in the rules that I am allowed to promote my own product or business, but not someone else's. At the time I did not pay much attention, because I was here for entirely different reasons. But now I need to ask for a clarification:
I recently self-published a book on lulu.com. I would like to use my Angelfire page as part of my promotion of the book, and since I wrote the book, and recieve the royalties for each sale, I consider it to be within the rules, i.e. promoting my own product. However, the way lulu.com works is, each copy of the book is printed only when someone orders it through them. So, in order to promote my book, I would have to direct people to lulu.com's website. Would this be considered a violation of the rules, i.e. promoting someone else's business?